Source code for globus_sdk._testing.helpers

from __future__ import annotations

import http.client
import json
import typing as t

import requests
import responses

from globus_sdk.exc import GlobusAPIError

E = t.TypeVar("E", bound=GlobusAPIError)

[docs] def get_last_request( *, requests_mock: responses.RequestsMock | None = None ) -> requests.PreparedRequest | None: """ Get the last request which was received, or None if there were no requests. :param requests_mock: A non-default ``RequestsMock`` object to use. """ calls = requests_mock.calls if requests_mock is not None else responses.calls try: last_call = calls[-1] except IndexError: return None return last_call.request
@t.overload def construct_error( *, http_status: int, body: bytes | str | t.Dict[str, t.Any], method: str = "GET", response_headers: t.Dict[str, str] | None = None, request_headers: t.Dict[str, str] | None = None, response_encoding: str = "utf-8", url: str = "https://bogus-url/", ) -> GlobusAPIError: ... @t.overload def construct_error( *, http_status: int, error_class: type[E], body: bytes | str | t.Dict[str, t.Any], method: str = "GET", response_headers: t.Dict[str, str] | None = None, request_headers: t.Dict[str, str] | None = None, response_encoding: str = "utf-8", url: str = "https://bogus-url/", ) -> E: ...
[docs] def construct_error( *, http_status: int, body: bytes | str | t.Dict[str, t.Any], error_class: type[E] | type[GlobusAPIError] = GlobusAPIError, method: str = "GET", response_headers: t.Dict[str, str] | None = None, request_headers: t.Dict[str, str] | None = None, response_encoding: str = "utf-8", url: str = "https://bogus-url/", ) -> E | GlobusAPIError: """ Given parameters for an HTTP response, construct a GlobusAPIError and return it. :param error_class: The class of the error to construct. Defaults to GlobusAPIError. :param http_status: The HTTP status code to use in the response. :param body: The body of the response. If a dict, will be JSON-encoded. :param method: The HTTP method to set on the underlying request. :param response_headers: The headers of the response. :param request_headers: The headers of the request. :param response_encoding: The encoding to use for the response body. :param url: The URL to set on the underlying request. """ raw_response = requests.Response() raw_response.status_code = http_status raw_response.reason = http.client.responses.get(http_status, "Unknown") raw_response.url = url raw_response.encoding = response_encoding raw_response.request = requests.Request( method=method, url=url, headers=request_headers or {} ).prepare() raw_response.headers.update(response_headers or {}) if isinstance(body, dict) and "Content-Type" not in raw_response.headers: raw_response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" raw_response._content = _encode_body(body, response_encoding) return error_class(raw_response)
def _encode_body(body: bytes | str | t.Dict[str, t.Any], encoding: str) -> bytes: if isinstance(body, bytes): return body elif isinstance(body, str): return body.encode(encoding) else: return json.dumps(body).encode(encoding)