Auth Requirements Errors#

Globus Auth Requirements Error is a response format that conveys to a client any modifications to a session (i.e., “boosting”) that will be required to complete a particular request.

The globus_sdk.experimental.auth_requirements_error module provides a number of tools to make it easier to identify and handle these errors when they occur.


The GlobusAuthRequirementsError class provides a model for working with Globus Auth Requirements Error responses.

Services in the Globus ecosystem may need to communicate authorization requirements to their consumers. For example, a service may need to instruct clients to have the user consent to an additional scope, "foo". In such a case, GlobusAuthRequirementsError can provide serialization into the well-known Globus Auth Requirements Error format:

from globus_sdk.experimental.auth_requirements_error import GlobusAuthRequirementsError

error = GlobusAuthRequirementsError(
        session_message="Missing required 'foo' consent",

# Render a strict dictionary

If non-canonical fields are needed, the extra argument can be used to supply a dictionary of additional fields to include. Non-canonical fields present in the provided dictionary when calling from_dict() are stored similarly. You can include these fields in the rendered output dictionary by specifying include_extra=True when calling to_dict().

from globus_sdk.experimental.auth_requirements_error import GlobusAuthRequirementsError

error = GlobusAuthRequirementsError(
        session_message="Missing required 'foo' consent",
        "message": "Missing required 'foo' consent",
        "request_id": "WmMV97A1w",
        "required_scopes": ["foo"],
        "resource": "/transfer",

# Render a dictionary with extra fields

These fields are stored by both the GlobusAuthRequirementsError and GlobusAuthenticationParameters classes in an extra attribute.


Non-canonical fields in a Globus Auth Requirements Error are primarily intended to make it easier for services to provide backward-compatibile error responses to clients that have not adopted the Globus Auth Requirements Error format. Avoid using non-canonical fields for any data that should be generically understood by a consumer of the error response.

Parsing Responses#

If you are writing a client to a Globus API, the auth_requirements_error subpackage provides utilities to detect legacy Globus Auth requirements error response formats and normalize them.

To detect if a GlobusAPIError, ErrorSubdocument, or JSON response dictionary represents an error that can be converted to a Globus Auth Requirements Error, you can use, e.g.,:

from globus_sdk.experimental import auth_requirements_error

error_dict = {
    "code": "ConsentRequired",
    "message": "Missing required foo consent",
# The dict is not a Globus Auth Requirements Error, so `False` is returned.

# The dict is not a Globus Auth Requirements Error and cannot be converted.
auth_requirements_error.utils.to_auth_requirements_error(error_dict)  # None

error_dict = {
    "code": "ConsentRequired",
    "message": "Missing required foo consent",
    "required_scopes": ["[*foo]"],
auth_requirements_error.utils.is_auth_requirements_error(error_dict)  # True
)  # GlobusAuthRequirementsError


If a GlobusAPIError represents multiple errors that were returned in an array, to_auth_requirements_error() only returns the first error in that array that can be converted to the Globus Auth Requirements Error response format. In this case (and in general) it’s preferable to use to_auth_requirements_errors() (which also accepts a list of GlobusAPIErrors, ErrorSubdocuments, and JSON response dictionaries):

)  # GlobusAuthRequirementsError
)  # [GlobusAuthRequirementsError, ...]


GlobusAuthRequirementsError enforces types strictly when parsing a Globus Auth Requirements Error response dictionary, and will raise a ValueError if a supported field is supplied with a value of the wrong type.

GlobusAuthRequirementsError does not attempt to mimic or itself enforce any logic specific to the Globus Auth service with regard to what represents a valid combination of fields (e.g., session_required_mfa requires either session_required_identities or session_required_single_domain in order to be properly handled).