Globus SDK Configuration#

The behaviors of the SDK can be controlled either through environment variables, or by passing parameters to clients and other objects.


SDK v1.x and v2.x supported the use of /etc/globus.cfg and ~/.globus.cfg to set certain values. This feature was removed in v3.0 in favor of new environment variables for setting these values.

Environment Variables#

Each of these environment variables will be read automatically by the SDK.

Environment variables have lower precedence than explicit values set in the interpreter. If GLOBUS_SDK_VERIFY_SSL="false" is set and a client is created with verify_ssl=True, the resulting client will have SSL verification turned on.


Used to configure SSL/TLS verification, typically to handle SSL/TLS-intercepting firewalls. By default, all connections to servers are verified. Set GLOBUS_SDK_VERIFY_SSL="false" to disable verification, or set GLOBUS_SDK_VERIFY_SSL="/path/to/ca-bundle.cert" to use an alternate certificate authority bundle file.


Adjust the timeout when HTTP requests are made. By default, requests have a 60 second read timeout – for slower responses, try setting GLOBUS_SDK_HTTP_TIMEOUT=120


The name of the environment to use. Set GLOBUS_SDK_ENVIRONMENT="preview" to use the Globus Preview environment.


Override the URL used for a given service. The suffix of this environment variable must match the service name string used by the SDK in all caps (SEARCH, TRANSFER, etc). For example, set GLOBUS_SDK_SERVICE_URL_TRANSFER="" to direct the SDK to use a custom URL when contacting the Globus Transfer service.