Source code for globus_sdk.transfer.paging

import logging

import six

from globus_sdk.exc import GlobusSDKUsageError
from globus_sdk.response import GlobusResponse
from globus_sdk.transfer.response import IterableTransferResponse

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PaginatedResource(GlobusResponse, six.Iterator): """ A ``PaginatedResource`` is an iterable response which implements the Python iterator interface. As such, **you can only iterate over PaginatedResources once**. Future iterations will be empty. If you need fresh results, make a call for a new ``PaginatedResource``, and if you want to cache and reuse results, convert to a list or other structure. You may also want to read the docs on the :py:attr:`~data` property. Because paginated data can be large, you will tend to get the best performance by being sure to only iterate over the results once. """ # pages have 'has_next_page', 'offset', and 'limit' PAGING_STYLE_HAS_NEXT = 0 # pages have 'offset', 'limit', and 'total' PAGING_STYLE_TOTAL = 1 # pages have a 'has_next_page', but use 'last_key' rather than 'offset' + # 'limit' PAGING_STYLE_LAST_KEY = 2 # pages have a 'marker' attribute, which refers to the "next page" of # results, but which is opaque PAGING_STYLE_MARKER = 3 # bind an object at class def time to act as a sentinel value for iteration # Basically grabbing something that can't be duplicated by iteration # results _magic = object() def __init__( self, # passthrough stuff for making a TransferClient method call client_method, path, client_kwargs, # paging parameters num_results=None, max_results_per_call=1000, max_total_results=None, offset=0, paging_style=PAGING_STYLE_HAS_NEXT, ): """ A class that describes paginated Transfer API resources. This is not a top level helper func because it depends upon the pagination implementation of the Transfer API, which may not be the implementation chosen by other, future APIs. This is a class and not a function because it needs to enforce distinct actions between initialization and iteration. If defined as a generator function with the ``yield`` syntax, python won't let us distinguish between creating the iterable object and iterating it. To eagerly trigger errors from the first call, we need to wrap it up in a class. Expectations about Paginated Transfer API Resources: - They support ``limit`` and ``offset`` query params, with ``limit`` being a count of elements to return, and offset being an offset into the result set (as opposed to a page number), 0-based OR They support a ``marker`` query param, which is an opaque value - They return a JSON result with ``has_next_page`` as a boolean key, indicating whether or not there are more results available -- even if the hard limit for the API forbids requesting these results OR They return a JSON result with ``marker`` as a key indicating whether or not there are more results available - Individual results are JSON objects inside of an array named ``DATA`` in the returned JSON document Takes a TransferClient method, a selection of its arguments, a variety of limits on result sizes, an offest into the result set, and a "paging style", which defines which kind of Transfer paging behavior we'll see. :param client_method: A method of a ``TransferClient``. Most commonly, the ``get`` method. :type client_method: bound method :param path: The base URI for the paged API calls being made, as would be passed to ``client_method`` :type path: str :param num_results: The number of results requested by the user. We'll cap paged results at this value. May be left at None, which means "fetch all results". :type num_results: int :param max_results_per_call: The maximum page size from the API :type max_results_per_call: int :param max_total_results: The API limit on the total number of results that can be fetched via the API. If this is not None and ``num_results`` is, then ``num_results`` will be set to this value. :type max_total_results: int :param offset: An offset into the result set. Used for certain paging types to start paging at a specific point. :type offset: int :param paging_style: An value from an enum on this class which tells us how paging works for this API. """ "Creating PaginatedResource({}) on {}(instance:{}):{}:{}".format( paging_style, client_method.__self__.__class__.__name__, id(client_method.__self__), client_method.__name__, path, ) ) self._limit_less_than_available_results = False self.max_results_per_call = max_results_per_call self.max_total_results = max_total_results self.offset = offset self.paging_style = paging_style # check the requested num results to see if it exceeds the maximum # total number of results allowed by the API or if it is not set and # there is a maximum number of results # effectively: # - cap num_results with max_total_results (min) # - ignore max total results if it's None if self.max_total_results is not None and ( num_results is None or num_results > self.max_total_results ): num_results = self.max_total_results self.num_results = num_results # potentially necessary params during paging self.limit = None self.next_marker = None # counter for how many results we've gotten thusfar, used to cap paging # in non-offset based styles self.num_results_fetched = 0 # what function call does this class instance wrap up? self.client_method = client_method if six.PY2: self.client_object = client_method.im_self else: self.client_object = client_method.__self__ self.client_path = path self.client_kwargs = client_kwargs self.client_kwargs["response_class"] = IterableTransferResponse # convert the iterable_func method into a generator expression by # calling it self.generator = self.iterable_func() # grab the first element out of the internal iteration function # because this could raise a StopIteration exception, we need to be # careful and make sure that such a condition is respected (and # replicated as an iterable of length 0) try: self.first_elem = next(self.generator) except StopIteration: # express this internally as "generator is null" -- just need some # way of making sure that it's clear self.generator = None @property def limit_less_than_available_results(self): """ Indicates that the Transfer API had more results available than were requested by way of the `limit` parameter. Note: this will always be false until the iterator containing the results has been exhausted. :rtype: bool """ return self._limit_less_than_available_results @property def data(self): """ To get the "data" on a PaginatedResource, fetch all pages and convert them into the only python data structure that makes sense: a list. Note that this forces iteration/evaluation of all pages from the API. It therefore may cause singificant IO spikes when used. You should avoid using the ```` property whenever possible. """ return list(self) def __iter__(self): """ Each instance is an iterable, so make it the result of `__iter__` and rely on an explicit `next()` method. """ return self def __next__(self): """ PaginatedResource objects are iterable collections of results from an underlying function. However, they have special behavior when being setup, which is where the magical `first_elem` comes into play, capturing the first iteration result. """ # if the generator was empty from the start, just raise a StopIteration # here and now if self.generator is None: logger.debug( ( "PaginatedResource never got results, " "iteration empty (not an error!)" ) ) raise StopIteration() if self.first_elem != self._magic: tmp = self.first_elem self.first_elem = self._magic return tmp else: return next(self.generator) def iterable_func(self): """ An internal function which has generator semantics. Defined using the `yield` syntax. Used to grab the first element during class initialization, and subsequently on calls to `next()` to get the remaining elements. We rely on the implicit StopIteration built into this type of function to propagate through the final `next()` call. This method is the real workhorse of this entire module. """ if not self.client_kwargs["params"]: self.client_kwargs["params"] = {} # to start with, cap the limit per request to the max per request size self.limit = self.max_results_per_call if self.num_results is not None: self.limit = min(self.num_results, self.limit) def _set_params_for_next_call(): # if we're about to request more results than the user asked # for, limit ourselves on the last paginated call to the API if ( self.num_results is not None and self.offset + self.limit > self.num_results ): self.limit = self.num_results - self.offset # all paging styles support limit # MARKER doesn't have it documented, but it is in fact supported self.client_kwargs["params"]["limit"] = self.limit # if the paging is done by marker, just carry over the marker if self.paging_style == self.PAGING_STYLE_MARKER: if self.next_marker: self.client_kwargs["params"]["marker"] = self.next_marker elif self.paging_style == self.PAGING_STYLE_LAST_KEY: if self.next_marker: self.client_kwargs["params"]["last_key"] = self.next_marker # these params work for all paging styles *except* MARKER # and LAST_KEY else: self.client_kwargs["params"]["offset"] = self.offset def _check_has_next_page(res): """ Check that the API says there are more results available. Additionally, update the PaginatedResource.maker or PaginatedResource.offset based on the response """ # if the paging style is LAST_KEY, check has_next_page if self.paging_style == self.PAGING_STYLE_LAST_KEY: self.next_marker = res.get("last_key") self.has_next_page = res["has_next_page"] return res["has_next_page"] # if the paging style is MARKER, look at the marker if self.paging_style == self.PAGING_STYLE_MARKER: # marker may be 0, null, or absent if no more results # API docs aren't 100% clear -- looks like 0 is what we should # expect, but we'll also accept null or absent to be safe self.next_marker = res.get("next_marker") return bool(self.next_marker) # start doing the offset maths and see if we have another page to # fetch # step size is the number of results per call -- we'll catch this # "walking off the end" of the requested results afterwards self.offset += self.max_results_per_call # if it's HAS_NEXT, the check is easy, as it's explicitly part of # the response if self.paging_style == self.PAGING_STYLE_HAS_NEXT: # just return the has_next_page value return res["has_next_page"] # if paging is TOTAL oriented, check if we've reached the total if self.paging_style == self.PAGING_STYLE_TOTAL: return self.offset < res["total"] logger.error( "PaginatedResource.paging_style={} is invalid".format(self.paging_style) ) raise GlobusSDKUsageError("Invalid Paging Style Given to PaginatedResource") has_next_page = True while has_next_page: logger.debug( ("PaginatedResource should have more results, " "requesting them now") ) _set_params_for_next_call() # fetch a page of results and walk them, yielding them as the # iterated elements wrapped in GlobusResponse objects # nicely, the __getitem__ for GlobusResponse will work on raw # dicts, so these handle well res = self.client_method(self.client_path, **self.client_kwargs) for item in res: yield GlobusResponse(item, client=self.client_object) # increment the "num results" counter self.num_results_fetched += 1 # ensure that even if the paging style requires that we fetch # more results than were requested, we still only yield the # number that were requested -- returning here will result in a # StopIteration because this is a generator function # CAREFUL! make sure we catch num_results_fetched==num_results # otherwise, we could end up making one-too-many API calls if ( self.num_results is not None and self.num_results_fetched >= self.num_results ): self._limit_less_than_available_results = True return has_next_page = _check_has_next_page(res)