
All Globus SDK errors inherit from GlobusError, and all SDK error classes are importable from globus_sdk.

You can therefore capture all errors thrown by the SDK by looking for GlobusError, as in:

import logging
from globus_sdk import TransferClient, GlobusError

    tc = TransferClient(...)
    # search with no parameters will throw an exception
    eps = tc.endpoint_search()
except GlobusError:
    logging.exception("Globus Error!")

In most cases, it’s best to look for specific subclasses of GlobusError. For example, to write code which is distinguishes between network failures and unexpected API conditions, you’ll want to look for NetworkError and GlobusAPIError:

import logging
from globus_sdk import (TransferClient,
                        GlobusError, GlobusAPIError, NetworkError)

    tc = TransferClient(...)

    eps = tc.endpoint_search(filter_fulltext="myendpointsearch")

    for ep in eps:

except GlobusAPIError as e:
    # Error response from the REST service, check the code and message for
    # details.
    logging.error(("Got a Globus API Error\n"
                   "Error Code: {}\n"
                   "Error Message: {}").format(e.code, e.message))
    raise e
except NetworkError:
    logging.error(("Network Failure. "
                   "Possibly a firewall or connectivity issue"))
except GlobusError:
    logging.exception("Totally unexpected GlobusError!")

Of course, if you want to learn more information about the response, you should inspect it more than this.

All errors raised by the SDK should be instances of GlobusError. Malformed calls to Globus SDK methods typically raise GlobusSDKUsageError, but, in rare cases, may raise standard python exceptions (ValueError, OSError, etc.)

Error Classes

class globus_sdk.GlobusError[source]

Bases: Exception

Root of the Globus Exception hierarchy. Stub class.

class globus_sdk.GlobusSDKUsageError[source]

Bases: globus_sdk.exc.GlobusError, ValueError

A GlobusSDKUsageError may be thrown in cases in which the SDK detects that it is being used improperly.

These errors typically indicate that some contract regarding SDK usage (e.g. required order of operations) has been violated.

class globus_sdk.GlobusAPIError(r, *args, **kw)[source]

Bases: globus_sdk.exc.GlobusError

Wraps errors returned by a REST API.

  • http_status – HTTP status code (int)

  • code – Error code from the API (str), or “Error” for unclassified errors

  • message – Error message from the API. In general, this will be more useful to developers, but there may be cases where it’s suitable for display to end users.

property raw_json

Get the verbatim error message received from a Globus API, interpreted as a JSON string and evaluated as a dict

If the body cannot be loaded as JSON, this is None

property raw_text

Get the verbatim error message receved from a Globus API as a string

class globus_sdk.NetworkError(msg, exc, *args, **kw)[source]

Bases: globus_sdk.exc.GlobusError

Error communicating with the REST API server.

Holds onto original exception data, but also takes a message to explain potentially confusing or inconsistent exceptions passed to us

class globus_sdk.GlobusConnectionError(msg, exc, *args, **kw)[source]

Bases: globus_sdk.exc.NetworkError

A connection error occured while making a REST request.

class globus_sdk.GlobusTimeoutError(msg, exc, *args, **kw)[source]

Bases: globus_sdk.exc.NetworkError

The REST request timed out.

class globus_sdk.GlobusConnectionTimeoutError(msg, exc, *args, **kw)[source]

Bases: globus_sdk.exc.GlobusTimeoutError

The request timed out during connection establishment. These errors are safe to retry.