Common API

All service clients support the low level interface, provided by the BaseClient.

class globus_sdk.base.BaseClient(service, environment=None, base_url=None, base_path=None, authorizer=None, app_name=None, http_timeout=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Simple client with error handling for Globus REST APIs. Implemented as a wrapper around a requests.Session object, with a simplified interface that does not directly expose anything from requests.

You should never try to directly instantiate a BaseClient.

  • authorizer (GlobusAuthorizer) – A GlobusAuthorizer which will generate Authorization headers

  • app_name (str) – Optional “nice name” for the application. Has no bearing on the semantics of client actions. It is just passed as part of the User-Agent string, and may be useful when debugging issues with the Globus Team

  • http_timeout (float) – Number of seconds to wait on HTTP connections. Default is 60. A value of -1 indicates that no timeout should be used (requests can hang indefinitely).

All other parameters are for internal use and should be ignored.


Set an application name to send to Globus services as part of the User Agent.

Application developers are encouraged to set an app name as a courtesy to the Globus Team, and to potentially speed resolution of issues when interacting with Globus Support.

get(path, params=None, headers=None, response_class=None, retry_401=True)[source]

Make a GET request to the specified path.

  • path (str) – Path for the request, with or without leading slash

  • params (dict) – Parameters to be encoded as a query string

  • headers (dict) – HTTP headers to add to the request

  • response_class (class) – Class for response object, overrides the client’s default_response_class

  • retry_401 (bool) – Retry on 401 responses with fresh Authorization if self.authorizer supports it


GlobusHTTPResponse object

post(path, json_body=None, params=None, headers=None, text_body=None, response_class=None, retry_401=True)[source]

Make a POST request to the specified path.

  • path (str) – Path for the request, with or without leading slash

  • params (dict) – Parameters to be encoded as a query string

  • headers (dict) – HTTP headers to add to the request

  • json_body (dict) – Data which will be JSON encoded as the body of the request

  • text_body (str or dict) – Either a raw string that will serve as the request body, or a dict which will be HTTP Form encoded

  • response_class (class) – Class for response object, overrides the client’s default_response_class

  • retry_401 (bool) – Retry on 401 responses with fresh Authorization if self.authorizer supports it


GlobusHTTPResponse object

delete(path, params=None, headers=None, response_class=None, retry_401=True)[source]

Make a DELETE request to the specified path.

  • path (str) – Path for the request, with or without leading slash

  • params (dict) – Parameters to be encoded as a query string

  • headers (dict) – HTTP headers to add to the request

  • response_class (class) – Class for response object, overrides the client’s default_response_class

  • retry_401 (bool) – Retry on 401 responses with fresh Authorization if self.authorizer supports it


GlobusHTTPResponse object

put(path, json_body=None, params=None, headers=None, text_body=None, response_class=None, retry_401=True)[source]

Make a PUT request to the specified path.

  • path (str) – Path for the request, with or without leading slash

  • params (dict) – Parameters to be encoded as a query string

  • headers (dict) – HTTP headers to add to the request

  • json_body (dict) – Data which will be JSON encoded as the body of the request

  • text_body (str or dict) – Either a raw string that will serve as the request body, or a dict which will be HTTP Form encoded

  • response_class (class) – Class for response object, overrides the client’s default_response_class

  • retry_401 (bool) – Retry on 401 responses with fresh Authorization if self.authorizer supports it


GlobusHTTPResponse object


Unless noted otherwise, all method return values for Globus SDK Clients are GlobusResponse objects.

Some GlobusResponse objects are iterables. In those cases, their contents will also be GlobusResponse objects.

To customize client methods with additional detail, the SDK uses subclasses of GlobusResponse. For example the GlobusHTTPResponse attaches HTTP response information.

Generic Response Classes

class globus_sdk.response.GlobusResponse(data, client=None)[source]

Generic response object, with a single data member.

The most common response data is a JSON dictionary. To make handling this type of response as seemless as possible, the GlobusResponse object also supports direct dictionary item access, as an alias for accessing an item of the underlying data. If data is not a dictionary, item access will raise TypeError.

>>> print("Response ID": r["id"]) # alias for["id"]

GlobusResponse objects always wrap some kind of data to return to a caller. Most basic actions on a GlobusResponse are just ways of interacting with this data.

property data

Response data as a Python data structure. Usually a dict or list.

get(*args, **kwargs)[source]

GlobusResponse.get is just an alias for

class globus_sdk.response.GlobusHTTPResponse(http_response, client=None)[source]

Bases: globus_sdk.response.GlobusResponse

Response object that wraps an HTTP response from the underlying HTTP library. If the response is JSON, the parsed data will be available in data, otherwise data will be None and text should be used instead.

  • http_status – HTTP status code returned by the server (int)

  • content_type – Content-Type header returned by the server (str)

property data

Response data as a Python data structure. Usually a dict or list.

property text

The raw response data as a string.