Globus SDK Configuration

There are three standard, canonical locations from which the Globus SDK will attempt to load configuration.

There are two config file locations:

/etc/globus.cfg # system config, shared by all users
~/.globus.cfg # personal config, specific to your user

additionally, the shell environment variables loaded into Python’s os.environ will be searched for configuration.

The precedence rules are very simply

  1. Environment

  2. ~/.globus.cfg

  3. /etc/globus.cfg

Config Format

Config files are INI formatted, so they take the general form

key1 = value1
key2 = value2

At present, there are no configuration parameters which you should set in config files.

The Globus CLI uses the [cli] section to store configuration information.

Environment Variables

GLOBUS_SDK_ENVIRONMENT is a shell variable that can be used to point the SDK to an alternate set of Globus Servers.

For example, if you have an integration with Globus you may be asked to test against a preview of upcoming changes. To point the SDK at the Preview environment GLOBUS_SDK_ENVIRONMENT=preview can be used.