Source code for globus_sdk.authorizers.base

import abc

import six

[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class GlobusAuthorizer(object): """ A ``GlobusAuthorizer`` is a very simple object which generates valid Authorization headers. It may also have handling for responses that indicate that it has provided an invalid Authorization header. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_authorization_header(header_dict): """ Takes a dict of headers, and adds to it a mapping of ``{"Authorization": "..."}`` per this object's type of Authorization. Importantly, if an ``Authorization`` header is already set, this method is expected to overwrite it. """
[docs] def handle_missing_authorization(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This operation should be called if a request is made with an Authorization header generated by this object which returns a 401 (HTTP Unauthorized). If the ``GlobusAuthorizer`` thinks that it can take some action to remedy this, it should update its state and return ``True``. If the Authorizer cannot do anything in the event of a 401, this *may* update state, but importantly returns ``False``. By default, this always returns ``False`` and takes no other action. """ return False