Source code for globus_sdk.auth.token_response

import json
import logging
import time

import jwt
import requests
import six

from globus_sdk.response import GlobusHTTPResponse

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _convert_token_info_dict(source_dict):
    Extract a set of fields into a new dict for indexing by resource server.
    Allow for these fields to be `None` when absent:
        - "refresh_token"
        - "token_type"
    expires_in = source_dict.get("expires_in", 0)

    return {
        "scope": source_dict["scope"],
        "access_token": source_dict["access_token"],
        "refresh_token": source_dict.get("refresh_token"),
        "token_type": source_dict.get("token_type"),
        "expires_at_seconds": int(time.time() + expires_in),
        "resource_server": source_dict["resource_server"],

class _ByScopesGetter(object):
    A fancy dict-like object for looking up token data by scope name.
    Allows usage like

    >>> tokens = OAuthTokenResponse(...)
    >>> tok = tokens.by_scopes['openid profile']['access_token']

    def __init__(self, scope_map):
        self.scope_map = scope_map

    def __str__(self):
        return json.dumps(self.scope_map)

    def __iter__(self):
        """iteration gets you every individual scope"""
        return iter(self.scope_map.keys())

    def __getitem__(self, scopename):
        if not isinstance(scopename, six.string_types):
            raise KeyError(
                'by_scopes cannot contain non-string value "{}"'.format(scopename)

        # split on spaces
        scopes = scopename.split()
        # collect every matching token in a set to dedup
        # but collect actual results (dicts) in a list
        rs_names = set()
        toks = []
        for scope in scopes:
            except KeyError:
                raise KeyError(
                        'Scope specifier "{}" contains scope "{}" '
                        "which was not found"
                    ).format(scopename, scope)
        # if there isn't exactly 1 token, it's an error
        if len(rs_names) != 1:
            raise KeyError(
                'Scope specifier "{}" did not match exactly one token!'.format(
        # pop the only element in the set
        return toks.pop()

    def __contains__(self, item):
        contains is driven by checking against getitem
        that way, the definitions are always "in sync" if we update them in
        the future
            return True
        except KeyError:

        return False

[docs]class OAuthTokenResponse(GlobusHTTPResponse): """ Class for responses from the OAuth2 code for tokens exchange used in 3-legged OAuth flows. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): GlobusHTTPResponse.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._init_rs_dict() self._init_scopes_getter() def _init_scopes_getter(self): scope_map = {} for _rs, tok_data in self._by_resource_server.items(): for s in tok_data["scope"].split(): scope_map[s] = tok_data self._by_scopes = _ByScopesGetter(scope_map) def _init_rs_dict(self): # call the helper at the top level self._by_resource_server = { self["resource_server"]: _convert_token_info_dict(self) } # call the helper on everything in 'other_tokens' self._by_resource_server.update( dict( ( unprocessed_item["resource_server"], _convert_token_info_dict(unprocessed_item), ) for unprocessed_item in self["other_tokens"] ) ) @property def by_resource_server(self): """ Representation of the token response in a ``dict`` indexed by resource server. Although ```` is still available and valid, this representation is typically more desirable for applications doing inspection of access tokens and refresh tokens. """ return self._by_resource_server @property def by_scopes(self): """ Representation of the token response in a dict-like object indexed by scope name (or even space delimited scope names, so long as they match the same token). If you request scopes `scope1 scope2 scope3`, where `scope1` and `scope2` are for the same service (and therefore map to the same token), but `scope3` is for a different service, the following forms of access are valid: >>> tokens = ... >>> # single scope >>> token_data = tokens.by_scopes['scope1'] >>> token_data = tokens.by_scopes['scope2'] >>> token_data = tokens.by_scopes['scope3'] >>> # matching scopes >>> token_data = tokens.by_scopes['scope1 scope2'] >>> token_data = tokens.by_scopes['scope2 scope1'] """ return self._by_scopes
[docs] def decode_id_token(self, auth_client=None): """ A parsed ID Token (OIDC) as a dict. :param auth_client: Deprecated parameter for providing the AuthClient used to request this token back to the OAuthTokenResponse. The SDK now tracks this internally, so it is no longer necessary. :type auth_client: :class:`AuthClient <globus_sdk.AuthClient>` """'Decoding ID Token "{}"'.format(self["id_token"])) # warn (not error) on older usage pattern, but still respect it # FIXME: should be deprecated and removed in SDK v2 if auth_client: logger.warning( "Providing an auth_client to decode_id_token is no " "longer required and may be deprecated in a future version " "of the Globus SDK" ) else: auth_client = self._client logger.debug("Fetch JWK Data: Start") oidc_conf = auth_client.get("/.well-known/openid-configuration") jwks_uri = oidc_conf["jwks_uri"] signing_algos = oidc_conf["id_token_signing_alg_values_supported"] # use the auth_client's decision on ssl_verify=yes/no jwk_data = requests.get(jwks_uri, verify=auth_client._verify).json() logger.debug("Fetch JWK Data: Complete") # decode from JWK to an RSA PEM key for JWT decoding jwk_as_pem = jwt.algorithms.RSAAlgorithm.from_jwk( json.dumps(jwk_data["keys"][0]) ) return jwt.decode( self["id_token"], jwk_as_pem, algorithms=signing_algos, audience=auth_client.client_id, )
def __str__(self): # Make printing responses more convenient by only showing the # (typically important) token info return json.dumps(self.by_resource_server, indent=2)
[docs]class OAuthDependentTokenResponse(OAuthTokenResponse): """ Class for responses from the OAuth2 code for tokens retrieved by the OAuth2 Dependent Token Extension Grant. For more complete docs, see :meth:`oauth2_get_dependent_tokens \ <globus_sdk.ConfidentialAppAuthClient.oauth2_get_dependent_tokens>` """ def _init_rs_dict(self): # call the helper on everything in the response array self._by_resource_server = dict( ( unprocessed_item["resource_server"], _convert_token_info_dict(unprocessed_item), ) for unprocessed_item in )
[docs] def decode_id_token(self, auth_client): # just in case raise NotImplementedError( ( "OAuthDependentTokenResponse.decode_id_token() is not and cannot " "be implemented. Dependent Tokens data does not include an " "id_token" ) )