Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import typing as t

import requests

from globus_sdk import exc

[docs] class GCSAPIError(exc.GlobusAPIError): """ Error class for the GCS Manager API client """ def __init__(self, r: requests.Response) -> None: self.detail_data_type: str | None = None self.detail: None | str | dict[str, t.Any] = None super().__init__(r) def _get_args(self) -> list[t.Any]: args = super()._get_args() args.append(self.detail_data_type) # only add detail if it's a string (don't want to put a large object into # stacktraces) if isinstance(self.detail, str): args.append(self.detail) return args def _post_parse_hook(self) -> bool: # detail can be a full document, so fetch, then look for a DATA_TYPE # and expose it as a top-level attribute for easy access self.detail = self._dict_data.get("detail") if isinstance(self.detail, dict) and "DATA_TYPE" in self.detail: self.detail_data_type = self.detail["DATA_TYPE"] return True