GlobusApp Configuration


Data Model

class globus_sdk.GlobusAppConfig[source]

An immutable dataclass used to control the behavior of a GlobusApp.

  • request_refresh_tokens (bool) – Whether to request refresh tokens (expire after 6 months of no use) or use exclusively access tokens (expire 2 hours after issuance). Default: False.

  • token_storage (str | TokenStorage | TokenStorageProvider) – A class responsible for storing and retrieving tokens. This may be either a well-known provider (one of "json", "sqlite", or "memory") or a custom storage/provider. Default: "json".

  • login_flow_manager (str | LoginFlowManager | LoginFlowManagerProvider) –

    A class responsible for overseeing Globus Auth login flows. This may be either be a well-known provider (one of "command-line" or "local-server") or a custom manager/provider. Default: "command-line".


    login_flow_manager may be ignored when using a ClientApp.

  • login_redirect_uri (str | None) –

    The destination for Globus Auth to send a user after once completed a login flow. Default: None.


    login_redirect_url may be ignored when using a NativeAppAuthClient. Explicit values must be pre-registered on your client here.

  • token_validation_error_handler (TokenValidationErrorHandler | None) – A handler invoked to resolve errors raised during token validation. Set this to None to disable auto-login on service token validation errors. Default: resolve_by_login_flow (runs a login flow, storing the resulting tokens).

  • environment (str) – The Globus environment of services to interact with. This is mostly used for testing purposes. This may additionally be set with the environment variable GLOBUS_SDK_ENVIRONMENT. Default: "production".


class globus_sdk.globus_app.TokenStorageProvider[source]

A protocol for a factory which can create TokenStorages.

SDK-provided Token Storages support this protocol.

classmethod for_globus_app(*, app_name, config, client_id, namespace)[source]

Create a TokenStorage for use in a GlobusApp.

  • app_name (str) – The name supplied to the GlobusApp.

  • config (GlobusAppConfig) – The configuration supplied to the GlobusApp.

  • client_id (UUIDLike) – The client_id of to the GlobusApp.

  • namespace (str) – A namespace to use for instantiating a TokenStorage.

Return type:


class globus_sdk.globus_app.LoginFlowManagerProvider[source]

A protocol for a factory which can create LoginFlowManagers.

SDK-provided Login Flow Managers support this protocol.

classmethod for_globus_app(*, app_name, config, login_client)[source]

Create a CommandLineLoginFlowManager for use in a GlobusApp.

  • app_name (str) – The name supplied to the GlobusApp.

  • config (GlobusAppConfig) – The configuration supplied to the GlobusApp.

  • login_client (AuthLoginClient) – A login client to use for instantiating a LoginFlowManager.

Return type:


class globus_sdk.globus_app.TokenValidationErrorHandler[source]

A handler invoked when a TokenValidationError is raised during a service client call.

If this call completes without raising an exception, the service client call will retry once more (subsequent errors will not call this handler).

__call__(app, error)[source]

Resolve a token validation error.
