Source code for globus_sdk.exc.api

from __future__ import annotations

import enum
import logging
import typing as t

import requests

from globus_sdk import _guards

from .base import GlobusError
from .err_info import ErrorInfoContainer
from .warnings import warn_deprecated

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_CACHE_SENTINEL = object()

class _ErrorFormat(enum.Enum):
    undefined =
    jsonapi =
    type_zero =

[docs] class GlobusAPIError(GlobusError): """ Wraps errors returned by a REST API. :ivar int http_status: HTTP status code :ivar str code: Error code from the API or "Error" for unclassified errors :ivar str request_id: The 'request_id' included in the error data, if any. :ivar list[str] messages: A list of error messages, extracted from the response data. If the data cannot be parsed or does not contain any clear message fields, this list may be empty. :ivar list[GlobusSubError] errors: A list of sub-error documents, as would be presented by JSON:API APIs and similar interfaces. """ MESSAGE_FIELDS = ["message", "detail", "title"] RECOGNIZED_AUTHZ_SCHEMES = ["bearer", "basic", "globus-goauthtoken"] def __init__(self, r: requests.Response, *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any): self._cached_raw_json: t.Any = _CACHE_SENTINEL self.http_status = r.status_code # defaults, may be rewritten during parsing self.code: str | None = "Error" self.request_id: str | None = None self.messages: list[str] = [] self.errors: list[ErrorSubdocument] = [] self._info: ErrorInfoContainer | None = None self._underlying_response = r self._parse_response() super().__init__(*self._get_args()) @property def message(self) -> str | None: """ An error message from the API. If there are multiple messages available, this will contain all messages joined with semicolons. If there is no message available, this will be ``None``. """ if self.messages: return "; ".join(self.messages) return None @message.setter def message(self, value: str) -> None: warn_deprecated( "Setting a message on GlobusAPIError objects is deprecated. " "This overwrites any parsed messages. Append to 'messages' instead." ) self.messages = [value] @property def http_reason(self) -> str: """ The HTTP reason string from the response. This is the part of the status line after the status code, and typically is a string description of the status. If the status line is ``HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found``, then this is the string ``"Not Found"``. """ return self._underlying_response.reason @property def headers(self) -> t.Mapping[str, str]: """ The HTTP response headers as a case-insensitive mapping. For example, ``headers["Content-Length"]`` and ``headers["content-length"]`` are treated as equivalent. """ return self._underlying_response.headers @property def content_type(self) -> str | None: return self.headers.get("Content-Type") def _get_mimetype(self, content_type: str) -> str: return content_type.split(";")[0].strip() def _jsonapi_mimetype(self) -> bool: if self.content_type is None: return False return self._get_mimetype(self.content_type) == "application/vnd.api+json" def _json_mimetype(self) -> bool: if self.content_type is None: return False mimetype = self._get_mimetype(self.content_type) if mimetype == "application/json": return True if mimetype.startswith("application/") and mimetype.endswith("+json"): return True return False @property def raw_json(self) -> dict[str, t.Any] | None: """ Get the verbatim error message received from a Globus API, interpreted as JSON data If the body cannot be loaded as JSON, this is None """ if self._cached_raw_json == _CACHE_SENTINEL: self._cached_raw_json = None if self._json_mimetype(): try: # technically, this could be a non-dict JSON type, like a list or # string but in those cases the user can just cast -- the "normal" # case is a dict self._cached_raw_json = self._underlying_response.json() except ValueError: log.error( "Error body could not be JSON decoded! " "This means the Content-Type is wrong, or the " "body is malformed!" ) return t.cast("dict[str, t.Any]", self._cached_raw_json) @property def _dict_data(self) -> dict[str, t.Any]: """ A "type asserting" wrapper over raw_json which errors if the type is not dict. """ if not isinstance(self.raw_json, dict): raise ValueError("cannot use _dict_data when data is non-dict type") return self.raw_json @property def text(self) -> str: """ Get the verbatim error message received from a Globus API as a *string* """ return self._underlying_response.text @property def raw_text(self) -> str: """ Deprecated alias of the ``text`` property. """ warn_deprecated( "The 'raw_text' property of GlobusAPIError objects is deprecated. " "Use the 'text' property instead." ) return self.text @property def binary_content(self) -> bytes: """ The error message received from a Globus API in bytes. """ return self._underlying_response.content @property def info(self) -> ErrorInfoContainer: """ An ``ErrorInfoContainer`` with parsed error data. The ``info`` of an error is guaranteed to be present, but all of its contents may be falsey if the error could not be parsed. """ if self._info is None: json_data = self.raw_json if isinstance(self.raw_json, dict) else None self._info = ErrorInfoContainer(json_data) return self._info def _get_request_authorization_scheme(self) -> str | None: try: authz_h = self._underlying_response.request.headers["Authorization"] authz_scheme = authz_h.split()[0] if authz_scheme.lower() in self.RECOGNIZED_AUTHZ_SCHEMES: return authz_scheme except (IndexError, KeyError): pass return None def _get_args(self) -> list[t.Any]: """ Get arguments to pass to the Exception base class. These args are displayed in stack traces. """ args = [ self._underlying_response.request.method, self._underlying_response.url, self._get_request_authorization_scheme(), self.http_status, self.code, # if the message is "", try using response reason # for details on these, and some examples, see # self.message or self._underlying_response.reason, ] if self.request_id: args.append(self.request_id) return args def _parse_response(self) -> bool: """ This is an intermediate step between 'raw_json' (loading bare JSON data) and the "real" parsing methods. In order to better support subclassing with short-circuiting behaviors if parsing goes awry, all of the parsing methods return True if parsing should continue or False if it was aborted. _parse_response() pulls the JSON body and does the following: - on non-dict JSON data, log and abort early. Don't error since this is already part of exception construction, just stop parsing. - Attempt to detect the error format in use, then dispatch to the relevant subparser: JSON:API, Type Zero, or Undefined - if subparsing succeeded, call the `_post_parse_hook` hook to allow subclasses to trivially add more computed attributes. This could also be done by altering `__init__` but it's nicer to have a dedicated hook because it is guaranteed to only be called if the rest of parsing succeeded """ if self.raw_json is None: log.debug("Error body was not parsed as JSON") return False if not isinstance(self.raw_json, dict): log.warning( # type: ignore[unreachable] "Error body could not be parsed as JSON because it was not a dict" ) return False error_format = self._detect_error_format() subparse_result: bool if error_format == _ErrorFormat.jsonapi: subparse_result = self._parse_jsonapi_error_format() elif error_format == _ErrorFormat.type_zero: subparse_result = self._parse_type_zero_error_format() else: subparse_result = self._parse_undefined_error_format() if not subparse_result: return False return self._post_parse_hook() def _post_parse_hook(self) -> bool: """ An internal callback for extra customizations after fully successful parsing. By default, does nothing. """ return True def _detect_error_format(self) -> _ErrorFormat: # if the JSON:API mimetype was used, inspect the data to make sure it is # well-formed if self._jsonapi_mimetype(): errors = self._dict_data.get("errors") if not _guards.is_list_of(errors, dict): return _ErrorFormat.undefined elif len(errors) < 1: return _ErrorFormat.undefined elif not all(isinstance(error_doc, dict) for error_doc in errors): return _ErrorFormat.undefined # only use 'jsonapi' if everything checked out return _ErrorFormat.jsonapi # now evaluate attributes for Type Zero errors under the same paradigm # check each attribute and only return 'type_zero' if nothing failed if not isinstance(self._dict_data.get("code"), str): return _ErrorFormat.undefined elif not isinstance(self._dict_data.get("message"), str): return _ErrorFormat.undefined # request_id is not required, but must be a string if present elif "request_id" in self._dict_data and not isinstance( self._dict_data["request_id"], str ): return _ErrorFormat.undefined return _ErrorFormat.type_zero def _parse_jsonapi_error_format(self) -> bool: """ Parsing a JSON:API Error This is only called after the field type for 'errors' has been checked. However, the nested/underlying fields will not have been checked yet. """ self.errors = [ErrorSubdocument(e) for e in self._dict_data["errors"]] self.code = self._extract_code_from_error_array(self.errors) self.messages = self._extract_messages_from_error_array(self.errors) return True def _parse_type_zero_error_format(self) -> bool: """ Parsing a Type Zero Error This is only called after Type Zero has been detected. Therefore, we already have assurances about the values in 'code' and 'message'. Note that 'request_id' could be absent but *must* be a string if present. """ self.code = self._dict_data["code"] self.messages = [self._dict_data["message"]] self.request_id = self._dict_data.get("request_id") if _guards.is_list_of(self._dict_data.get("errors"), dict): raw_errors = self._dict_data["errors"] else: raw_errors = [self._dict_data] self.errors = [ ErrorSubdocument(e, message_fields=self.MESSAGE_FIELDS) for e in raw_errors ] return True def _parse_undefined_error_format(self) -> bool: """ Undefined Parsing: best effort support for unknown data shapes This is also a great place for custom parsing to hook in for different APIs if we know that there's an unusual format in use """ # attempt to pull out errors if possible and valid if _guards.is_list_of(self._dict_data.get("errors"), dict): raw_errors = self._dict_data["errors"] # if no 'errors' were found, or 'errors' is invalid, then # 'errors' should be set to contain the root document else: raw_errors = [self._dict_data] self.errors = [ ErrorSubdocument(e, message_fields=self.MESSAGE_FIELDS) for e in raw_errors ] # use 'code' if present and correct type if isinstance(self._dict_data.get("code"), str): self.code = t.cast(str, self._dict_data["code"]) # otherwise, pull 'code' from the sub-errors array elif self.errors: # in undefined parse cases, the code will be left as `"Error"` for # a higher degree of backwards compatibility maybe_code = self._extract_code_from_error_array(self.errors) if maybe_code is not None: self.code = maybe_code # either there is an array of subdocument errors or there is not, # in which case we load only from the root doc self.messages = self._extract_messages_from_error_array( self.errors or [ErrorSubdocument(self._dict_data, message_fields=self.MESSAGE_FIELDS)] ) return True def _extract_messages_from_error_array( self, errors: list[ErrorSubdocument] ) -> list[str]: """ Extract 'messages' from an array of errors (JSON:API or otherwise) Each subdocument *may* define its messages, so this is the aggregate of messages from those documents which had messages. Note that subdocuments may be instructed about their `message_fields` by the error class and parsing path which they take. Therefore, this may be extracting `"message"`, `"detail"`, or `"title"` in the base implementation and other fields if a subclass customizes this further. """ ret: list[str] = [] for doc in errors: if doc.message is not None: ret.append(doc.message) return ret def _extract_code_from_error_array( self, errors: list[ErrorSubdocument] ) -> str | None: """ Extract a 'code' field from an array of errors (JSON:API or otherwise) This is done by checking if each error document has the same 'code' """ codes: set[str] = set() for error in errors: if error.code is not None: codes.add(error.code) if len(codes) == 1: return codes.pop() return None
[docs] class ErrorSubdocument: """ Error subdocuments as returned by Globus APIs. :ivar dict raw: The unparsed error subdocument """ # the default set of fields to use for message extraction, in order # selected to match the fields defined by JSON:API by default DEFAULT_MESSAGE_FIELDS: tuple[str, ...] = ("detail", "title") def __init__( self, data: dict[str, t.Any], *, message_fields: t.Sequence[str] | None = None ) -> None: self.raw = data self._message_fields: tuple[str, ...] if message_fields is not None: self._message_fields = tuple(message_fields) else: self._message_fields = self.DEFAULT_MESSAGE_FIELDS @property def message(self) -> str | None: """ The 'message' string of this subdocument, derived from its data based on the parsing context. May be `None` if no message is defined. """ return _extract_message_from_dict(self.raw, self._message_fields) @property def code(self) -> str | None: """ The 'code' string of this subdocument, derived from its data based on the parsing context. May be `None` if no code is defined. """ if isinstance(self.raw.get("code"), str): return t.cast(str, self.raw["code"]) return None
[docs] def get(self, key: str, default: t.Any = None) -> t.Any | None: """ A dict-like getter for the raw data. :param key: The string key to use for lookup :param default: The default value to use """ return self.raw.get(key, default)
def _extract_message_from_dict( data: dict[str, t.Any], message_fields: tuple[str, ...] ) -> str | None: """ Extract a single message string from a dict if one is present. """ for f in message_fields: if isinstance(data.get(f), str): return t.cast(str, data[f]) return None