[docs]classClientCredentialsAuthorizer(RenewingAuthorizer["globus_sdk.OAuthClientCredentialsResponse"]):r""" Implementation of a RenewingAuthorizer that renews confidential app client Access Tokens using a ConfidentialAppAuthClient and a set of scopes to fetch a new Access Token when the old one expires. Example usage looks something like this: >>> import globus_sdk >>> confidential_client = globus_sdk.ConfidentialAppAuthClient( client_id=..., client_secret=...) >>> scopes = "..." >>> cc_authorizer = globus_sdk.ClientCredentialsAuthorizer( >>> confidential_client, scopes) >>> # create a new client >>> transfer_client = globus_sdk.TransferClient(authorizer=cc_authorizer) any client that inherits from :class:`BaseClient <globus_sdk.BaseClient>` should be able to use a ClientCredentialsAuthorizer to act as the client itself. :param confidential_client: client object with a valid id and client secret :param scopes: A string of space-separated scope names being requested for the access tokens that will be used for the Authorization header. These scopes must all be for the same resource server, or else the token response will have multiple access tokens. :param access_token: Initial Access Token to use, only used if ``expires_at`` is also set. Must be requested with the same set of scopes passed to this authorizer. :param expires_at: Expiration time for the starting ``access_token`` expressed as a POSIX timestamp (i.e. seconds since the epoch) :param on_refresh: A callback which is triggered any time this authorizer fetches a new access_token. The ``on_refresh`` callable is invoked on the :class:`globus_sdk.OAuthClientCredentialsResponse` object resulting from the token being refreshed. It should take only one positional argument, the token response object. This is useful for implementing storage for Access Tokens, as the ``on_refresh`` callback can be used to update the Access Tokens and their expiration times. """def__init__(self,confidential_client:globus_sdk.ConfidentialAppAuthClient,scopes:ScopeCollectionType,*,access_token:str|None=None,expires_at:int|None=None,on_refresh:(None|t.Callable[[globus_sdk.OAuthClientCredentialsResponse],t.Any])=None,):# values for _get_token_dataself.confidential_client=confidential_clientself.scopes=scopes_to_str(scopes)log.info("Setting up ClientCredentialsAuthorizer with confidential_client="f"[instance:{id(confidential_client)}] and scopes={self.scopes}")super().__init__(access_token,expires_at,on_refresh)def_get_token_response(self)->globus_sdk.OAuthClientCredentialsResponse:""" Make a request for new tokens, using a 'client_credentials' grant. """returnself.confidential_client.oauth2_client_credentials_tokens(requested_scopes=self.scopes)def_extract_token_data(self,res:globus_sdk.OAuthClientCredentialsResponse)->dict[str,t.Any]:""" Get the tokens .by_resource_server, Ensure that only one token was gotten, and return that token. """token_data=res.by_resource_server.values()iflen(token_data)!=1:raiseValueError("Attempting get new access token for client credentials ""authorizer didn't return exactly one token. Ensure scopes "f"{self.scopes} are for only one resource server.")returnnext(iter(token_data))