Source code for globus_sdk.experimental.consents._model

This module provides convenience data structures to model and interact with
    Globus Auth consents.

The resources defined herein are:
    * ``Consent``
        * A data object modeling a user's grant for a client to perform some scoped
            operation on their behalf.
        * This grant is conditional on the invocation path leading to the client's
            attempted operation being initiated through a chain of similarly scoped
            operations (consents) defined in the "dependency_path".
    * ``ConsentTree``
        * A tree composed of Consent nodes with edges modeling the dependency
            relationships between them.
        * A `meets_scope_requirements` method is defined to check whether a scope
            requirement, including dependent scope requirements, is satisfied by the
    * ``ConsentForest``
        * A collection of all ConsentTrees for a user rooted under a particular client
            (the client that initiated the request for consents).
        * A `meets_scope_requirements` method is defined to check whether a scope
            requirement, including dependent scope requirements, is satisfied by any
            tree in the forest.

from __future__ import annotations

import typing as t
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime

from globus_sdk import Scope
from globus_sdk._types import UUIDLike

from ._errors import ConsentParseError, ConsentTreeConstructionError

[docs] class ConsentForest: """ A ConsentForest is a data structure which models relationships between Consents, objects describing explicit access users have granted to particular clients. It exists to expose a simple interface for evaluating whether resource server grant requirements, as defined by a scope object are satisfied. Consents should be retrieved from the AuthClient's `get_consents` method. Example usage: >>> auth_client = AuthClient(...) >>> identity_id = ... >>> forest = auth_client.get_consents(identity_id).to_forest() >>> >>> # Check whether the forest contains a scope relationship >>> dependent_scope = GCSCollectionScopeBuilder(collection_id).data_access >>> scope = f"{TransferScopes.all}[{dependent_scope}]" >>> forest.contains_scopes(scope) The following diagram demonstrates a Consent Forest in which a user has consented to a client ("CLI") initiating transfers against two collections, both of which require a "data_access" dynamic scope. Contained Scope String: `transfer:all[<collection1>:data_access <collection2>:data_access]` .. code-block:: rst [Consent A ] [Consent B ] [Client: CLI ] -> [Client: Transfer ] [Scope: transfer:all] [Scope: <collection1>:data_access] | | [Consent C ] |--------------> [Client: Transfer ] [Scope: <collection2>:data_access] """ def __init__(self, consents: t.Iterable[t.Mapping[str, t.Any] | Consent]): """ :param consents: An iterable of consent data objects. Typically, this will be a ConsentForestResponse retrieved via `auth_client.get_consents(identity)`. This iterable may contain either raw consent data as a dict or pre-loaded Consents. """ self.nodes = [ consent if isinstance(consent, Consent) else Consent.load(consent) for consent in consents ] # Build an index on consent id for constant time lookups self._node_by_id = { node for node in self.nodes} self.edges = self._compute_edges() self.trees = self._build_trees() def _compute_edges(self) -> dict[int, set[int]]: """ Compute the edges of the forest mapping parent -> child. A consent's parent node id is defined as the penultimate element of the consent's dependency path. A consent with dependency list of length 1 is a root node (has no parent). """ edges: dict[int, set[int]] = { set() for node in self.nodes} for node in self.nodes: if len(node.dependency_path) > 1: parent_id = node.dependency_path[-2] try: edges[parent_id].add( except KeyError as e: raise ConsentTreeConstructionError( f"Failed to compute forest edges. Missing parent node: {e}.", consents=self.nodes, ) from e return edges def _build_trees(self) -> list[ConsentTree]: """ Build out the list of trees in the forest. A distinct tree is built out for each "root nodes" (nodes with no parents). """ # A node with dependency path length 1 has no parents, so it is a root. roots = [node for node in self.nodes if len(node.dependency_path) == 1] return [ConsentTree(, self) for root in roots] def get_node(self, consent_id: int) -> Consent: return self._node_by_id[consent_id]
[docs] def meets_scope_requirements(self, scopes: Scope | str | list[Scope | str]) -> bool: """ Check whether this consent meets one or more scope requirements. A consent forest meets a particular scope requirement if any consent tree inside the forest meets the scope requirements. :param scopes: A single scope, a list of scopes, or a scope string to check against the forest. :returns: True if all scope requirements are met, False otherwise. """ for scope in _normalize_scope_types(scopes): if not any(tree.meets_scope_requirements(scope) for tree in self.trees): return False return True
[docs] class ConsentTree: """ A tree of Consent nodes with edges modeling the dependency relationships between them. :raises: ConsentParseError if the tree cannot be constructed due to missing consent dependencies. """ def __init__(self, root_id: int, forest: ConsentForest): self.root = forest.get_node(root_id) self.nodes = [self.root] self._node_by_id = {root_id: self.root} self.edges: dict[int, set[int]] = {} self._populate_connected_nodes_and_edges(forest) def _populate_connected_nodes_and_edges(self, forest: ConsentForest) -> None: """ Populate the nodes and edges of the tree by traversing the forest. Nodes/Edges are included in the tree iff they are reachable from the root. """ nodes_to_evaluate = {} while nodes_to_evaluate: consent_id = nodes_to_evaluate.pop() consent = forest.get_node(consent_id) self.edges[] = forest.edges[] for child_id in self.edges[]: if child_id not in self._node_by_id: self.nodes.append(forest.get_node(child_id)) self._node_by_id[child_id] = forest.get_node(child_id) nodes_to_evaluate.add(child_id) def get_node(self, consent_id: int) -> Consent: return self._node_by_id[consent_id]
[docs] def meets_scope_requirements(self, scope: Scope) -> bool: """ Check whether this consent tree meets a particular scope requirement. :param scope: A Scope requirement to check against the tree. """ return self._meets_scope_requirements_recursive(self.root, scope)
def _meets_scope_requirements_recursive(self, node: Consent, scope: Scope) -> bool: """ Check recursively whether a consent node meets the scope requirements defined by a scope object. """ if node.scope_name != scope.scope_string: return False for dependent_scope in scope.dependencies: for child_id in self.edges[]: if self._meets_scope_requirements_recursive( self.get_node(child_id), dependent_scope ): # We found a child containing this full dependent scope tree # Move onto the next dependent scope tree break else: # We didn't find any child containing this full dependent scope tree return False # We found at least one child containing each full dependent scope tree return True @property def max_depth(self) -> int: return self._max_depth_recursive(self.root, 1) def _max_depth_recursive(self, node: Consent, depth: int) -> int: if len(self.edges[]) == 0: return depth return max( self._max_depth_recursive(self.get_node(child_id), depth + 1) for child_id in self.edges[] ) def __str__(self) -> str: """Returns a textual representation of the tree to stdout (one line per node)""" return self._str_recursive(self.root, 0) def _str_recursive(self, node: Consent, tab_depth: int) -> str: _str = f"{' ' * tab_depth} - {node}" for child_id in self.edges[]: _str += "\n" + self._str_recursive(self.get_node(child_id), tab_depth + 2) return _str
def _normalize_scope_types(scopes: Scope | str | list[Scope | str]) -> list[Scope]: """ Normalize the input scope types into a list of Scope objects. Strings are parsed into 1 or more Scopes using `Scope.parse`. :param scopes: Some collection of 0 or more scopes as Scope or scope strings. :returns: A list of Scope objects. """ if isinstance(scopes, Scope): return [scopes] elif isinstance(scopes, str): return Scope.parse(scopes) else: scope_list = [] for scope in scopes: if isinstance(scope, str): scope_list.extend(Scope.parse(scope)) else: scope_list.append(scope) return scope_list