from__future__importannotationsimportabcimportloggingimporttimeimporttypingastfromglobus_sdkimportexc, Provides a buffer for token expiration time to account for# possible delays or clock skew.EXPIRES_ADJUST_SECONDS=60# the type of the response which is produced by the authorizer, received by it, and# passed to the `on_refresh` callbackResponseT=t.TypeVar("ResponseT",bound="OAuthTokenResponse")
[docs]classRenewingAuthorizer(GlobusAuthorizer,t.Generic[ResponseT],metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):r""" A ``RenewingAuthorizer`` is an abstract superclass to any authorizer that needs to get new Access Tokens in order to form Authorization headers. It may be passed an initial Access Token, but if so must also be passed an expires_at value for that token. It provides methods that handle the logic for checking and adjusting expiration time, callbacks on renewal, and 401 handling. To make an authorizer that implements this class implement the _get_token_response and _extract_token_data methods for that authorization type, :param access_token: Initial Access Token to use, only used if ``expires_at`` is also set :param expires_at: Expiration time for the starting ``access_token`` expressed as a POSIX timestamp (i.e. seconds since the epoch) :param on_refresh: A callback which is triggered any time this authorizer fetches a new access_token. The ``on_refresh`` callable is invoked on the response object resulting from the token being refreshed. It should take only one argument, the token response object. This is useful for implementing storage for Access Tokens, as the ``on_refresh`` callback can be used to update the Access Tokens and their expiration times. """def__init__(self,access_token:str|None=None,expires_at:int|None=None,on_refresh:None|t.Callable[[ResponseT],t.Any]=None,)->"Setting up a RenewingAuthorizer. It will use an ""auth type of Bearer and can handle 401s.")if(access_tokenisnotNoneandexpires_atisNone)or(access_tokenisNoneandexpires_atisnotNone):raiseexc.GlobusSDKUsageError("A RenewingAuthorizer cannot be initialized with one of ""access_token and expires_at. Either provide both or neither.")"RenewingAuthorizer will start by using access_token "f'with hash "{self._access_token_hash}"')# if data were unspecified, fetch a new access"Creating RenewingAuthorizer without Access ""Token. Fetching initial token now.")self._get_new_access_token()@propertydefaccess_token(self)->str|None:returnself._access_token@access_token.setterdefaccess_token(self,value:str|None)->None:self._access_token=valueifvalue:self._access_token_hash=utils.sha256_string(value)@abc.abstractmethoddef_get_token_response(self)->ResponseT:""" Using whatever method the specific authorizer implementing this class does, get a new token response. """@abc.abstractmethoddef_extract_token_data(self,res:ResponseT)->dict[str,t.Any]:""" Given a token response object, get the first element of token_response.by_resource_server This method is expected to enforce that by_resource_server is only returning one access token, and return a ValueError otherwise. """def_get_new_access_token(self)->None:""" Given token data from _get_token_response and _extract_token_data, set the access token and expiration time, calculate the new token hash, and call on_refresh """# get the first (and only) tokenres=self._get_token_response()token_data=self._extract_token_data(res)self.expires_at=token_data["expires_at_seconds"]self.access_token=token_data["access_token"]"RenewingAuthorizer.access_token updated to "f'token with hash "{self._access_token_hash}"')ifcallable(self.on_refresh):log.debug("will call on_refresh callback")self.on_refresh(res)log.debug("on_refresh callback finished")defensure_valid_token(self)->None:""" Check that the authorizer has a valid token. Checks that the token is set and that the expiration time is in the future. This is called implicitly by ``get_authorization_header``, but you can call it explicitly if you want to ensure that a token gets refreshed. This can be useful in order to get at a new, valid token via the ``on_refresh`` handler. """log.debug("RenewingAuthorizer checking expiration time")ifself.access_tokenisNone:log.debug("RenewingAuthorizer has no token")else:if(self.expires_atisnotNoneandtime.time()<=self.expires_at-EXPIRES_ADJUST_SECONDS):log.debug("RenewingAuthorizer determined time has not yet expired")returnelse:log.debug("RenewingAuthorizer has a token, but it is expired")log.debug("RenewingAuthorizer fetching new Access Token")self._get_new_access_token()defget_authorization_header(self)->str:""" Check to see if a new token is needed and return "Bearer <access_token>" """self.ensure_valid_token()log.debug(f'bearer token has hash "{self._access_token_hash}"')returnf"Bearer {self.access_token}"defhandle_missing_authorization(self)->bool:""" The renewing authorizer can respond to a service 401 by immediately invalidating its current Access Token. When this happens, the next call to ``set_authorization_header()`` will result in a new Access Token being fetched. """log.debug("RenewingAuthorizer seeing 401. Invalidating ""token and preparing for refresh.")# None for expires_at invalidates any current tokenself.expires_at=None# respond True, as in "we took some action, the 401 *may* be resolved"returnTrue