Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import typing as t

from globus_sdk import client, paging, response, utils
from globus_sdk._types import UUIDLike
from globus_sdk.exc.warnings import warn_deprecated
from globus_sdk.scopes import Scope, SearchScopes

from .data import SearchQuery, SearchScrollQuery
from .errors import SearchAPIError

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class SearchClient(client.BaseClient): r""" Client for the Globus Search API .. sdk-sphinx-copy-params:: BaseClient This class provides helper methods for most common resources in the API, and basic ``get``, ``put``, ``post``, and ``delete`` methods from the base client that can be used to access any API resource. **Methods** .. automethodlist:: globus_sdk.SearchClient """ error_class = SearchAPIError service_name = "search" scopes = SearchScopes # # Index Management # @property def default_scope_requirements(self) -> list[Scope]: return [Scope(]
[docs] def create_index( self, display_name: str, description: str ) -> response.GlobusHTTPResponse: """ Create a new index. :param display_name: the name of the index :param description: a description of the index New indices default to trial status. For subscribers with a subscription ID, indices can be converted to non-trial by sending a request to .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Example Usage .. code-block:: python sc = globus_sdk.SearchClient(...) r = sc.create_index( "History and Witchcraft", "Searchable information about history and witchcraft", ) print(f"index ID: {r['id']}") .. tab-item:: Example Response Data .. expandtestfixture:: search.create_index .. tab-item:: API Info ``POST /v1/index`` .. extdoclink:: Index Create :ref: search/reference/index_create/ """"SearchClient.create_index({display_name!r}, ...)") return "/v1/index", data={"display_name": display_name, "description": description} )
[docs] def delete_index(self, index_id: UUIDLike) -> response.GlobusHTTPResponse: """ Mark an index for deletion. Globus Search does not immediately delete indices. Instead, this API sets the index status to ``"delete-pending"``. Search will move pending tasks on the index to the ``CANCELLED`` state and will eventually delete the index. If the index is a trial index, it will be deleted a few minutes after being marked for deletion. If the index is non-trial, it will be kept for 30 days and will be eligible for use with the ``reopen`` API (see :meth:`~.reopen_index`) during that time. :param index_id: the ID of the index .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Example Usage .. code-block:: python sc = globus_sdk.SearchClient(...) sc.delete_index(index_id) .. tab-item:: Example Response Data .. expandtestfixture:: search.delete_index .. tab-item:: API Info ``DELETE /v1/index/<index_id>`` .. extdoclink:: Index Delete :ref: search/reference/index_delete/ """"SearchClient.delete_index({index_id!r}, ...)") return self.delete(f"/v1/index/{index_id}")
[docs] def reopen_index(self, index_id: UUIDLike) -> response.GlobusHTTPResponse: """ Reopen an index that has been marked for deletion, cancelling the deletion. :param index_id: the ID of the index .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Example Usage .. code-block:: python sc = globus_sdk.SearchClient(...) sc.reopen_index(index_id) .. tab-item:: Example Response Data .. expandtestfixture:: search.reopen_index .. tab-item:: API Info ``POST /v1/index/<index_id>/reopen`` .. extdoclink:: Index Reopen :ref: search/reference/index_reopen/ """"SearchClient.reopen_index({index_id!r}, ...)") return"/v1/index/{index_id}/reopen")
[docs] def get_index( self, index_id: UUIDLike, *, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> response.GlobusHTTPResponse: """ Get descriptive data about a Search index, including its title and description and how much data it contains. :param index_id: the ID of the index :param query_params: additional parameters to pass as query params .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Example Usage .. code-block:: python sc = globus_sdk.SearchClient(...) index = sc.get_index(index_id) assert index["id"] == index_id print(index["display_name"], "(" + index_id + "):", index["description"]) .. tab-item:: API Info ``GET /v1/index/<index_id>`` .. extdoclink:: Index Show :ref: search/reference/index_show/ """ # noqa: E501"SearchClient.get_index({index_id})") return self.get(f"/v1/index/{index_id}", query_params=query_params)
# # Search queries #
[docs] @paging.has_paginator( paging.HasNextPaginator, items_key="gmeta", get_page_size=lambda x: x["count"], max_total_results=10000, page_size=100, ) def search( self, index_id: UUIDLike, q: str, *, offset: int = 0, limit: int = 10, advanced: bool = False, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> response.GlobusHTTPResponse: """ Execute a simple Search Query, described by the query string ``q``. :param index_id: the ID of the index :param q: the query string :param offset: an offset for pagination :param limit: the size of a page of results :param advanced: enable 'advanced' query mode, which has sophisticated syntax but may result in BadRequest errors when used if the query is invalid :param query_params: additional parameters to pass as query params For details on query syntax, including the ``advanced`` query behavior, see the :extdoclink:`Search Query Syntax <search/query#query_syntax>` documentation. .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Example Usage .. code-block:: python sc = globus_sdk.SearchClient(...) result =, "query string") advanced_result =, 'author: "Ada Lovelace"', advanced=True) .. tab-item:: Paginated Usage .. paginatedusage:: search .. tab-item:: API Info ``GET /v1/index/<index_id>/search`` .. extdoclink:: GET Search Query :ref: search/reference/get_query/ .. tab-item:: Example Response Data .. expandtestfixture:: """ # noqa: E501 if query_params is None: query_params = {} query_params.update( { "q": q, "offset": offset, "limit": limit, "advanced": advanced, } )"{index_id}, ...)") return self.get(f"/v1/index/{index_id}/search", query_params=query_params)
[docs] @paging.has_paginator(paging.MarkerPaginator, items_key="gmeta") def scroll( self, index_id: UUIDLike, data: dict[str, t.Any] | SearchScrollQuery, *, marker: str | None = None, ) -> response.GlobusHTTPResponse: """ Scroll all data in a Search index. The paginated version of this API should typically be preferred, as it is the intended mode of usage. Note that if data is written or deleted during scrolling, it is possible for scrolling to not include results or show other unexpected behaviors. :param index_id: The index on which to search :param data: A Search Scroll Query document :param marker: marker used in paging (overwrites any marker in ``data``) For details on query syntax, including the ``advanced`` query behavior, see the :extdoclink:`Search Query Syntax <search/query#query_syntax>` documentation. .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Example Usage .. code-block:: python sc = globus_sdk.SearchClient(...) scroll_result = sc.scroll(index_id, {"q": "*"}) .. tab-item:: Paginated Usage .. paginatedusage:: scroll .. tab-item:: API Info ``POST /v1/index/<index_id>/scroll`` .. extdoclink:: Scroll Query :ref: search/reference/scroll_query/ """"SearchClient.scroll({index_id}, ...)") add_kwargs = {} if marker is not None: add_kwargs["marker"] = marker if add_kwargs: data = {**data, **add_kwargs} return"v1/index/{index_id}/scroll", data=data)
# # Bulk data indexing #
[docs] def ingest( self, index_id: UUIDLike, data: dict[str, t.Any] ) -> response.GlobusHTTPResponse: """ Write data to a Search index as an asynchronous task. The data can be provided as a single document or list of documents, but only one ``task_id`` value will be included in the response. :param index_id: The index into which to write data :param data: an ingest document .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Example Usage .. code-block:: python sc = globus_sdk.SearchClient(...) ingest_data = { "ingest_type": "GMetaEntry", "ingest_data": { "subject": "", "visible_to": ["public"], "content": {"foo/bar": "some val"}, }, } sc.ingest(index_id, ingest_data) or with multiple entries at once via a GMetaList: .. code-block:: python sc = globus_sdk.SearchClient(...) ingest_data = { "ingest_type": "GMetaList", "ingest_data": { "gmeta": [ { "subject": "", "visible_to": ["public"], "content": {"foo/bar": "some val"}, }, { "subject": "", "id": "otherentry", "visible_to": ["public"], "content": {"foo/bar": "some otherval"}, }, ] }, } sc.ingest(index_id, ingest_data) .. tab-item:: API Info ``POST /v1/index/<index_id>/ingest`` .. extdoclink:: Ingest :ref: search/reference/ingest/ """"SearchClient.ingest({index_id}, ...)") return"/v1/index/{index_id}/ingest", data=data)
# # Bulk delete #
[docs] def delete_by_query( self, index_id: UUIDLike, data: dict[str, t.Any] ) -> response.GlobusHTTPResponse: """ Delete data in a Search index as an asynchronous task, deleting all documents which match a given query. The query uses a restricted subset of the syntax available for complex queries, as it is not meaningful to boost, sort, or otherwise rank data in this case. A ``task_id`` value will be included in the response. :param index_id: The index in which to delete data :param data: a query document for documents to delete .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Example Usage .. code-block:: python sc = globus_sdk.SearchClient(...) query_data = { "q": "user query", "filters": [ { "type": "range", "field_name": "", "values": [{"from": "*", "to": "2014-11-07"}], } ], } sc.delete_by_query(index_id, query_data) .. tab-item:: API Info ``POST /v1/index/<index_id>/delete_by_query`` .. extdoclink:: Delete By Query :ref: search/reference/delete_by_query/ """"SearchClient.delete_by_query({index_id}, ...)") return"/v1/index/{index_id}/delete_by_query", data=data)
[docs] def batch_delete_by_subject( self, index_id: UUIDLike, subjects: t.Iterable[str], additional_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> response.GlobusHTTPResponse: """ Delete data in a Search index as an asynchronous task, deleting multiple documents based on their ``subject`` values. A ``task_id`` value will be included in the response. :param index_id: The index in which to delete data :param subjects: The subjects to delete, as an iterable of strings :param additional_params: Additional parameters to include in the request body .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Example Usage .. code-block:: python sc = globus_sdk.SearchClient(...) sc.batch_delete_by_subject( index_id, subjects=[ "very-cool-document", "less-cool-document", "document-wearing-sunglasses", ], ) .. tab-item:: Example Response Data .. expandtestfixture:: search.batch_delete_by_subject .. tab-item:: API Info ``POST /v1/index/<index_id>/batch_delete_by_subject`` .. extdoclink:: Delete By Subject :ref: search/reference/batch_delete_by_subject/ """"SearchClient.batch_delete_by_subject({index_id}, ...)") # convert the provided subjects to a list and use the "safe iter" helper to # ensure that a single string is *not* treated as an iterable of strings, # which is usually not intentional body = {"subjects": list(utils.safe_strseq_iter(subjects))} if additional_params: body.update(additional_params) return"/v1/index/{index_id}/batch_delete_by_subject", data=body)
# # Subject Operations #
[docs] def get_subject( self, index_id: UUIDLike, subject: str, *, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> response.GlobusHTTPResponse: """ Fetch exactly one Subject document from Search, containing one or more Entries. :param index_id: the index containing this Subject :param subject: the subject string to fetch :param query_params: additional parameters to pass as query params .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Example Usage Fetch the data for subject ```` from index ``index_id``: .. code-block:: python sc = globus_sdk.SearchClient(...) subject_data = sc.get_subject(index_id, "") .. tab-item:: API Info ``GET /v1/index/<index_id>/subject`` .. extdoclink:: Get By Subject :ref: search/reference/get_subject/ """ if query_params is None: query_params = {} query_params["subject"] = subject"SearchClient.get_subject({index_id}, {subject}, ...)") return self.get(f"/v1/index/{index_id}/subject", query_params=query_params)
[docs] def delete_subject( self, index_id: UUIDLike, subject: str, *, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> response.GlobusHTTPResponse: """ Delete exactly one Subject document from Search, containing one or more Entries, as an asynchronous task. A ``task_id`` value will be included in the response. :param index_id: the index in which data will be deleted :param subject: the subject string for the Subject document to delete :param query_params: additional parameters to pass as query params .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Example Usage Delete all data for subject ```` from index ``index_id``, even data which is not visible to the current user: .. code-block:: python sc = globus_sdk.SearchClient(...) response = sc.delete_subject(index_id, "") task_id = response["task_id"] .. tab-item:: API Info ``DELETE /v1/index/<index_id>/subject`` .. extdoclink:: Delete By Subject :ref: search/reference/delete_subject/ """ if query_params is None: query_params = {} query_params["subject"] = subject"SearchClient.delete_subject({index_id}, {subject}, ...)") return self.delete(f"/v1/index/{index_id}/subject", query_params=query_params)
# # Entry Operations #
[docs] def get_entry( self, index_id: UUIDLike, subject: str, *, entry_id: str | None = None, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> response.GlobusHTTPResponse: """ Fetch exactly one Entry document from Search, identified by the combination of ``subject`` string and ``entry_id``, which defaults to ``null``. :param index_id: the index containing this Entry :param subject: the subject string for the Subject document containing this Entry :param entry_id: the entry_id for this Entry, which defaults to ``null`` :param query_params: additional parameters to pass as query params .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Example Usage Lookup the entry with a subject of ```` and a null entry_id: .. code-block:: python sc = globus_sdk.SearchClient(...) entry_data = sc.get_entry(index_id, "") Lookup the entry with a subject of ```` and an entry_id of ``foo/bar``: .. code-block:: python sc = globus_sdk.SearchClient(...) entry_data = sc.get_entry(index_id, "", entry_id="foo/bar") .. tab-item:: API Info ``GET /v1/index/<index_id>/entry`` .. extdoclink:: Get Entry :ref: search/reference/get_entry/ """ # noqa: E501 if query_params is None: query_params = {} query_params["subject"] = subject if entry_id is not None: query_params["entry_id"] = entry_id "SearchClient.get_entry({}, {}, {}, ...)".format( index_id, subject, entry_id ) ) return self.get(f"/v1/index/{index_id}/entry", query_params=query_params)
[docs] def create_entry( self, index_id: UUIDLike, data: dict[str, t.Any] ) -> response.GlobusHTTPResponse: """ This API method is in effect an alias of ingest and is deprecated. Users are recommended to use :meth:`~.ingest` instead. Create or update one Entry document in Search. The API does not enforce that the document does not exist, and will overwrite any existing data. :param index_id: the index containing this Entry :param data: the entry document to write .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Example Usage Create an entry with a subject of ```` and a null entry_id: .. code-block:: python sc = globus_sdk.SearchClient(...) sc.create_entry( index_id, { "subject": "", "visible_to": ["public"], "content": {"foo/bar": "some val"}, }, ) Create an entry with a subject of ```` and an entry_id of ``foo/bar``: .. code-block:: python sc = globus_sdk.SearchClient(...) sc.create_entry( index_id, { "subject": "", "visible_to": ["public"], "id": "foo/bar", "content": {"foo/bar": "some val"}, }, ) .. tab-item:: API Info ``POST /v1/index/<index_id>/entry`` .. extdoclink:: Create Entry :ref: search/reference/create_or_update_entry/ """ warn_deprecated( "SearchClient.create_entry is deprecated. " "Users should prefer using `SearchClient.ingest`" )"SearchClient.create_entry({index_id}, ...)") return"/v1/index/{index_id}/entry", data=data)
[docs] def update_entry( self, index_id: UUIDLike, data: dict[str, t.Any] ) -> response.GlobusHTTPResponse: """ This API method is in effect an alias of ingest and is deprecated. Users are recommended to use :meth:`~.ingest` instead. Create or update one Entry document in Search. This does not do a partial update, but replaces the existing document. :param index_id: the index containing this Entry :param data: the entry document to write .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Example Usage Update an entry with a subject of ```` and a null entry_id: .. code-block:: python sc = globus_sdk.SearchClient(...) sc.update_entry( index_id, { "subject": "", "visible_to": ["public"], "content": {"foo/bar": "some val"}, }, ) .. tab-item:: API Info ``PUT /v1/index/<index_id>/entry`` .. extdoclink:: Update Entry :ref: search/reference/create_or_update_entry/ """ warn_deprecated( "SearchClient.update_entry is deprecated. " "Users should prefer using `SearchClient.ingest`" )"SearchClient.update_entry({index_id}, ...)") return self.put(f"/v1/index/{index_id}/entry", data=data)
[docs] def delete_entry( self, index_id: UUIDLike, subject: str, *, entry_id: str | None = None, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> response.GlobusHTTPResponse: """ Delete exactly one Entry document in Search as an asynchronous task. A ``task_id`` value will be included in the response. :param index_id: the index in which data will be deleted :param subject: the subject string for the Subject of the document to delete :param entry_id: the ID string for the Entry to delete :param query_params: additional parameters to pass as query params .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Example Usage Delete an entry with a subject of ```` and a null entry_id: .. code-block:: python sc = globus_sdk.SearchClient(...) sc.delete_entry(index_id, "") Delete an entry with a subject of ```` and an entry_id of "foo/bar": .. code-block:: python sc = globus_sdk.SearchClient(...) sc.delete_entry(index_id, "", entry_id="foo/bar") .. tab-item:: API Info ``DELETE /v1/index/<index_id>/entry`` .. extdoclink:: Delete Entry :ref: search/reference/delete_entry/ """ # noqa: E501 if query_params is None: query_params = {} query_params["subject"] = subject if entry_id is not None: query_params["entry_id"] = entry_id "SearchClient.delete_entry({}, {}, {}, ...)".format( index_id, subject, entry_id ) ) return self.delete(f"/v1/index/{index_id}/entry", query_params=query_params)
# # Task Management #
[docs] def get_task( self, task_id: UUIDLike, *, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> response.GlobusHTTPResponse: """ Fetch a Task document by ID, getting task details and status. :param task_id: the task ID from the original task submission :param query_params: additional parameters to pass as query params .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Example Usage .. code-block:: python sc = globus_sdk.SearchClient(...) task = sc.get_task(task_id) assert task["index_id"] == known_index_id print(task["task_id"], "|", task["state"]) .. tab-item:: API Info ``GET /v1/task/<task_id>`` .. extdoclink:: Get Task :ref: search/reference/get_task/ """"SearchClient.get_task({task_id})") return self.get(f"/v1/task/{task_id}", query_params=query_params)
[docs] def get_task_list( self, index_id: UUIDLike, *, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> response.GlobusHTTPResponse: """ Fetch a list of recent Task documents for an index, getting task details and status. :param index_id: the index to query :param query_params: additional parameters to pass as query params .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Example Usage .. code-block:: python sc = globus_sdk.SearchClient(...) task_list = sc.get_task_list(index_id) for task in task_list["tasks"]: print(task["task_id"], "|", task["state"]) .. tab-item:: API Info ``GET /v1/task_list/<index_id>`` .. extdoclink:: Task List :ref: search/reference/task_list/ """"SearchClient.get_task_list({index_id})") return self.get(f"/v1/task_list/{index_id}", query_params=query_params)
# # Role Management #
[docs] def create_role( self, index_id: UUIDLike, data: dict[str, t.Any], *, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> response.GlobusHTTPResponse: """ Create a new role on an index. You must already have the ``owner`` or ``admin`` role on an index to create additional roles. Roles are specified as a role name (one of ``"owner"``, ``"admin"``, or ``"writer"``) and a `Principal URN <>`_. :param index_id: The index on which to create the role :param data: The partial role document to use for creation :param query_params: Any additional query params to pass .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Example Usage .. code-block:: python identity_id = "46bd0f56-e24f-11e5-a510-131bef46955c" sc = globus_sdk.SearchClient(...) sc.create_role( index_id, {"role_name": "writer", "principal": f"urn:globus:auth:identity:{identity_id}"}, ) .. tab-item:: API Info ``POST /v1/index/<index_id>/role`` .. extdoclink:: Create Role :ref: search/reference/role_create/ """ # noqa: E501"SearchClient.create_role(%s, ...)", index_id) return f"/v1/index/{index_id}/role", data=data, query_params=query_params )
[docs] def get_role_list( self, index_id: UUIDLike, *, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> response.GlobusHTTPResponse: """ List all roles on an index. You must have the ``owner`` or ``admin`` role on an index to list roles. :param index_id: The index on which to list roles :param query_params: Any additional query params to pass .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: API Info ``GET /v1/index/<index_id>/role_list`` .. extdoclink:: Get Role List :ref: search/reference/role_list/ """"SearchClient.get_role_list(%s)", index_id) return self.get(f"/v1/index/{index_id}/role_list", query_params=query_params)
[docs] def delete_role( self, index_id: UUIDLike, role_id: str, *, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> response.GlobusHTTPResponse: """ Delete a role from an index. You must have the ``owner`` or ``admin`` role on an index to delete roles. You cannot remove the last ``owner`` from an index. :param index_id: The index from which to delete a role :param role_id: The role to delete :param query_params: Any additional query params to pass .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: API Info ``DELETE /v1/index/<index_id>/role/<role_id>`` .. extdoclink:: Role Delete :ref: search/reference/role_delete/ """"SearchClient.delete_role(%s, %s)", index_id, role_id) return self.delete( f"/v1/index/{index_id}/role/{role_id}", query_params=query_params )