Source code for globus_sdk.paging.base

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import functools
import inspect
import sys
import typing as t

from globus_sdk.response import GlobusHTTPResponse

if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
    from typing import ParamSpec
    from typing_extensions import ParamSpec

PageT = t.TypeVar("PageT", bound=GlobusHTTPResponse)
P = ParamSpec("P")
R = t.TypeVar("R", bound=GlobusHTTPResponse)
C = t.TypeVar("C", bound=t.Callable[..., GlobusHTTPResponse])

# stub for mypy
class _PaginatedFunc(t.Generic[PageT]):
    _has_paginator: bool
    _paginator_class: type[Paginator[PageT]]
    _paginator_items_key: str | None
    _paginator_params: dict[str, t.Any]

[docs] class Paginator(t.Iterable[PageT], metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Base class for all paginators. This guarantees is that they have generator methods named ``pages`` and ``items``. Iterating on a Paginator is equivalent to iterating on its ``pages``. :param method: A bound method of an SDK client, used to generate a paginated variant :param items_key: The key to use within pages of results to get an array of items :param client_args: Arguments to the underlying method which are passed when the paginator is instantiated. i.e. given ``, b, c=1)``, this will be ``(a, b)``. The paginator will pass these arguments to each call of the bound method as it pages. :param client_kwargs: Keyword arguments to the underlying method, like ``client_args`` above. ``, b, c=1)`` will pass this as ``{"c": 1}``. As with ``client_args``, it's passed to each paginated call. """ # the arguments which must be supported on the paginated method in order # for the paginator to pass them _REQUIRES_METHOD_KWARGS: tuple[str, ...] = () def __init__( self, method: t.Callable[..., t.Any], *, items_key: str | None = None, client_args: tuple[t.Any, ...], client_kwargs: dict[str, t.Any], # the Base paginator must accept arbitrary additional kwargs to indicate that # its child classes could define and use additional kwargs **kwargs: t.Any, ) -> None: self.method = method self.items_key = items_key self.client_args = client_args self.client_kwargs = client_kwargs def __iter__(self) -> t.Iterator[PageT]: yield from self.pages()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def pages(self) -> t.Iterator[PageT]: """``pages()`` yields GlobusHTTPResponse objects, each one representing a page of results."""
[docs] def items(self) -> t.Iterator[t.Any]: """ ``items()`` of a paginator is a generator which yields each item in each page of results. ``items()`` may raise a ``ValueError`` if the paginator was constructed without identifying a key for use within each page of results. This may be the case for paginators whose pages are not primarily an array of data. """ if self.items_key is None: raise ValueError( "Cannot provide items() iteration on a paginator where 'items_key' " "is not set." ) for page in self.pages(): yield from page[self.items_key]
[docs] @classmethod def wrap(cls, method: t.Callable[P, R]) -> t.Callable[P, Paginator[R]]: """ This is an alternate method for getting a paginator for a paginated method which correctly preserves the type signature of the paginated method. It should be used on instances of clients and only passed bound methods of those clients. For example, given usage >>> tc = TransferClient() >>> paginator = tc.paginated.endpoint_search(...) a well-typed paginator can be acquired with >>> tc = TransferClient() >>> paginated_call = Paginator.wrap(tc.endpoint_search) >>> paginator = paginated_call(...) Although the syntax is slightly more verbose, this allows `mypy` and other type checkers to more accurately infer the type of the paginator. :param method: The method to convert to a paginator """ if not inspect.ismethod(method): raise TypeError(f"Paginator.wrap can only be used on methods, not {method}") if not getattr(method, "_has_paginator", False): raise ValueError(f"'{method}' is not a paginated method") as_paginated = t.cast(_PaginatedFunc[PageT], method) paginator_class = as_paginated._paginator_class paginator_params = as_paginated._paginator_params paginator_items_key = as_paginated._paginator_items_key @functools.wraps(method) def paginated_method(*args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any) -> Paginator[PageT]: return paginator_class( method, client_args=tuple(args), client_kwargs=kwargs, items_key=paginator_items_key, **paginator_params, ) return t.cast(t.Callable[P, Paginator[R]], paginated_method)
[docs] def has_paginator( paginator_class: type[Paginator[PageT]], items_key: str | None = None, **paginator_params: t.Any, ) -> t.Callable[[C], C]: """ Mark a callable -- typically a client method -- as having pagination parameters. Usage: >>> class MyClient(BaseClient): >>> @has_paginator(MarkerPaginator) >>> def foo(...): ... This will mark ```` as paginated with marker style pagination. It will then be possible to get a paginator for ```` via >>> c = MyClient(...) >>> paginator = :param paginator_class: The type of paginator used by this method :param items_key: The key to use within pages of results to get an array of items :param paginator_params: Additional parameters to pass to the paginator constructor """ def decorate(func: C) -> C: as_paginated = t.cast(_PaginatedFunc[PageT], func) as_paginated._has_paginator = True as_paginated._paginator_class = paginator_class as_paginated._paginator_items_key = items_key as_paginated._paginator_params = paginator_params return func return decorate