.. _tokenstorage: TokenStorage ============ The TokenStorage component provides a way of storing and loading the tokens received from authentication and token refreshes. Usage ----- TokenStorage is available under the name ``globus_sdk.tokenstorage``. Storage adapters are the main objects of this subpackage. Primarily, usage should revolve around creating a storage adapter, potentially loading data from it, and using it as the ``on_refresh`` handler for an authorizer. For example: .. code-block:: python import os import globus_sdk from globus_sdk.tokenstorage import SimpleJSONFileAdapter my_file_adapter = SimpleJSONFileAdapter(os.path.expanduser("~/mytokens.json")) if not my_file_adapter.file_exists(): # ... do a login flow, getting back initial tokens # elided for simplicity here token_response = ... # now store the tokens, and pull out the tokens for the # resource server we want my_file_adapter.store(token_response) by_rs = token_response.by_resource_server tokens = by_rs["transfer.api.globus.org"] else: # otherwise, we already did this whole song-and-dance, so just # load the tokens from that file tokens = my_file_adapter.get_token_data("transfer.api.globus.org") # RereshTokenAuthorizer and ClientCredentialsAuthorizer both use # `on_refresh` callbacks # this feature is therefore only relevant for those auth types # # auth_client is the internal auth client used for refreshes, # and which was used in the login flow # note that this is all normal authorizer usage wherein # my_file_adapter is providing the on_refresh callback auth_client = ... authorizer = globus_sdk.RefreshTokenAuthorizer( tokens["refresh_token"], auth_client, access_token=tokens["access_token"], expires_at=tokens["expires_at_seconds"], on_refresh=my_file_adapter.on_refresh, ) # or, for client credentials authorizer = globus_sdk.ClientCredentialsAuthorizer( auth_client, ["urn:globus:auth:transfer.api.globus.org:all"], access_token=tokens["access_token"], expires_at=tokens["expires_at_seconds"], on_refresh=my_file_adapter.on_refresh, ) # and then use the authorizer on a client! tc = globus_sdk.TransferClient(authorizer=authorizer) Complete Example Usage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The :ref:`Group Listing With Token Storage Script ` provides complete and runnable example which leverages ``tokenstorage``. Adapter Types ------------- .. module:: globus_sdk.tokenstorage ``globus_sdk.tokenstorage`` provides base classes for building your own storage adapters, and several complete adapters. The :class:`SimpleJSONFileAdapter` is good for the "simplest possible" persistent storage, using a JSON file to store token data. :class:`MemoryAdapter` is even simpler still, and is great for writing and testing code which uses the `StorageAdapter` interface backed by an in-memory structure. The :class:`SQLiteAdapter` is more complex, for applications like the globus-cli which need to store various tokens and additional configuration. In addition to basic token storage, the :class:`SQLiteAdapter` provides for namespacing of the token data, and for additional configuration storage. Reference --------- .. autoclass:: StorageAdapter :members: :member-order: bysource :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: MemoryAdapter :members: :member-order: bysource :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: FileAdapter :members: :member-order: bysource :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: SimpleJSONFileAdapter :members: :member-order: bysource :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: SQLiteAdapter :members: :member-order: bysource :show-inheritance: