Utilities ========= .. warning:: The components in this module are *not* intended for outside use, but are internal to the Globus SDK. They may change in backwards-incompatible ways in minor or patch releases of the SDK. This documentation is included here for completeness. PayloadWrapper -------------- The ``PayloadWrapper`` class is used as a base class for all Globus SDK payload datatypes to provide nicer interfaces for payload construction. The objects are a type of ``UserDict`` with no special methods. .. autoclass:: globus_sdk.utils.PayloadWrapper MissingType and MISSING ----------------------- The ``MISSING`` sentinel value is used as an alternative to ``None`` in APIs which accept ``null`` as a valid value. Whenever ``MISSING`` is included in a request, it will be removed before the request is sent to the service. As a result, where ``MISSING`` is used as the default for a value, ``None`` can be used to explicitly pass the value ``null``. .. class:: globus_sdk.MissingType :canonical: globus_sdk.utils.MissingType This is the type of ``MISSING``. .. py:data:: globus_sdk.MISSING The ``MISSING`` sentinel value. It is a singleton.