Source code for globus_sdk.utils

from __future__ import annotations

import collections
import hashlib
import os
import sys
import typing as t
import uuid
from base64 import b64encode

from globus_sdk._types import UUIDLike

T = t.TypeVar("T")
R = t.TypeVar("R")

    # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
    PayloadWrapperBase = collections.UserDict[str, t.Any]
    PayloadWrapperBase = collections.UserDict

class MissingType:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        # disable instantiation, but gated to be able to run once
        # when this module is imported
        if "MISSING" in globals():
            raise TypeError("MissingType should not be instantiated")

    def __bool__(self) -> bool:
        return False

    def __copy__(self) -> MissingType:
        return self

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo: dict[int, t.Any]) -> MissingType:
        return self

    # unpickling a MissingType should always return the "MISSING" sentinel
    def __reduce__(self) -> str:
        return "MISSING"

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return "<globus_sdk.MISSING>"

# a sentinel value for "missing" values which are distinguished from `None` (null)
# this is the default used to indicate that a parameter was not passed, so that
# method calls passing `None` can be distinguished from those which did not pass any
# value
# users should typically not use this value directly, but it is part of the public SDK
# interfaces along with its type for annotation purposes
# *new in version 3.30.0*
MISSING = MissingType()

def filter_missing(data: dict[str, t.Any] | None) -> dict[str, t.Any] | None:
    if data is None:
        return None
    return {k: v for k, v in data.items() if v is not MISSING}

def sha256_string(s: str) -> str:
    return hashlib.sha256(s.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()

def b64str(s: str) -> str:
    return b64encode(s.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8")

def slash_join(a: str, b: str | None) -> str:
    Join a and b with a single slash, regardless of whether they already
    contain a trailing/leading slash or neither.

    :param a: the first path component
    :type a: str
    :param b: the second path component
    :type b: str, optional
    if not b:  # "" or None, don't append a slash
        return a
    if a.endswith("/"):
        if b.startswith("/"):
            return a[:-1] + b
        return a + b
    if b.startswith("/"):
        return a + b
    return a + "/" + b

def safe_strseq_iter(
    value: t.Iterable[t.Any] | str | uuid.UUID,
) -> t.Iterator[str]:
    Given an Iterable (typically of strings), produce an iterator over it of strings.

    :param value: The stringifiable object or objects to iterate over
    :type value: str, UUID, or iterable

    This is a passthrough with some caveats:
    - if the value is a solitary string, yield only that value
    - if the value is a solitary UUID, yield only that value (as a string)
    - str values in the iterable which are not strings

    This helps handle cases where a string is passed to a function expecting an iterable
    of strings, as well as cases where an iterable of UUID objects is accepted for a
    list of IDs, or something similar.
    if isinstance(value, str):
        yield value
    elif isinstance(value, uuid.UUID):
        yield str(value)
        for x in value:
            yield str(x)

def commajoin(val: UUIDLike | t.Iterable[UUIDLike]) -> str:
    # note that this explicit handling of Iterable allows for string-like objects to be
    # passed to this function and be stringified by the `str()` call
    if isinstance(val,
        return ",".join(safe_strseq_iter(val))
    return str(val)

[docs] class PayloadWrapper(PayloadWrapperBase): """ A class for defining helper objects which wrap some kind of "payload" dict. Typical for helper objects which formulate a request payload, e.g. as JSON. Payload types inheriting from this class can be passed directly to the client ``post()``, ``put()``, and ``patch()`` methods instead of a dict. These methods will recognize a ``PayloadWrapper`` and convert it to a dict for serialization with the requested encoder (e.g. as a JSON request body). """ # use UserDict rather than subclassing dict so that our API is always consistent # e.g. `dict.pop` does not invoke `dict.__delitem__`. Overriding `__delitem__` on a # dict subclass can lead to inconsistent behavior between usages like these: # x = d["k"]; del d["k"] # x = d.pop("k") # # UserDict inherits from MutableMapping and only defines the dunder methods, so # changing its behavior safely/consistently is simpler # # internal helpers for setting non-null values # def _set_value( self, key: str, val: t.Any, callback: t.Callable[[t.Any], t.Any] | None = None, ) -> None: if val is not None: self[key] = callback(val) if callback else val def _set_optstrs(self, **kwargs: t.Any) -> None: for k, v in kwargs.items(): self._set_value(k, v, callback=str) def _set_optstrlists(self, **kwargs: t.Iterable[t.Any] | None) -> None: for k, v in kwargs.items(): self._set_value(k, v, callback=lambda x: list(safe_strseq_iter(x))) def _set_optbools(self, **kwargs: bool | None) -> None: for k, v in kwargs.items(): self._set_value(k, v, callback=bool) def _set_optints(self, **kwargs: t.Any) -> None: for k, v in kwargs.items(): self._set_value(k, v, callback=int)
def in_sphinx_build() -> bool: # pragma: no cover # check if `sphinx-build` was used to invoke return os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) in ["sphinx-build", "sphinx-build.exe"] class _classproperty(t.Generic[T, R]): """ WARNING: for internal use only. Everything in `globus_sdk.utils` is meant to be internal only, but that holds for this class **in particular**. This is a well-typed Generic Descriptor which can be used to wrap decorated functions. Usage should be: @utils.classproperty def foo(self_or_cls): ... Note that this descriptor will pass an instance (self) if possible, and the class (cls) only if there is no instance. This is unlike ``classmethod``. For more guidance on how this works, see the python3 descriptor guide: """ def __init__(self, func: t.Callable[[type[T]], R]) -> None: self.func = func def __get__(self, obj: t.Any, cls: type[T]) -> R: # NOTE: our __get__ here prefers the object over the class when possible # although well-defined behavior for a descriptor, this contradicts the # expectation that developers may have from `classmethod` if obj is None: return self.func(cls) return self.func(obj) # if running under sphinx, define this as the stacked classmethod(property(...)) # decoration, so that proper autodoc generation happens # this is based on the python3.9 behavior which supported stacking these decorators # however, that support was pulled in 3.10 and is not going to be reintroduced at # present # therefore, this sphinx behavior may not be stable in the long term if in_sphinx_build(): # pragma: no cover def classproperty(func: t.Callable[[T], R]) -> _classproperty[T, R]: # type ignore this because # - it doesn't match the return type # - mypy doesn't understand classmethod(property(...)) on older pythons return classmethod(property(func)) # type: ignore else: def classproperty(func: t.Callable[[T], R]) -> _classproperty[T, R]: # type cast to convert instance method to class method return _classproperty(t.cast(t.Callable[[t.Type[T]], R], func))