Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
import logging
import typing as t

from globus_sdk import exc, utils
from globus_sdk._types import UUIDLike

    import globus_sdk

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class DeleteData(utils.PayloadWrapper): r""" Convenience class for constructing a delete document, to use as the `data` parameter to :meth:`submit_delete <globus_sdk.TransferClient.submit_delete>`. At least one item must be added using :meth:`add_item <globus_sdk.DeleteData.add_item>`. If ``submission_id`` isn't passed, one will be fetched automatically. The submission ID can be pulled out of here to inspect, but the document can be used as-is multiple times over to retry a potential submission failure (so there shouldn't be any need to inspect it). :param transfer_client: A ``TransferClient`` instance which will be used to get a submission ID if one is not supplied. Should be the same instance that is used to submit the deletion. :type transfer_client: :class:`TransferClient <globus_sdk.TransferClient>` or None :param endpoint: The endpoint ID which is targeted by this deletion Task :type endpoint: str or UUID :param label: A string label for the Task :type label: str, optional :param submission_id: A submission ID value fetched via :meth:`get_submission_id <globus_sdk.TransferClient.get_submission_id>`. Defaults to using ``transfer_client.get_submission_id`` if a ``transfer_client`` is provided :type submission_id: str or UUID, optional :param recursive: Recursively delete subdirectories on the target endpoint [default: ``False``] :type recursive: bool :param ignore_missing: Ignore nonexistent files and directories instead of treating them as errors. [default: ``False``] :type ignore_missing: bool :param interpret_globs: Enable expansion of ``\*?[]`` characters in the last component of paths, unless they are escaped with a preceding backslash, ``\\`` [default: ``False``] :type interpret_globs: bool :param deadline: An ISO-8601 timestamp (as a string) or a datetime object which defines a deadline for the deletion. At the deadline, even if the data deletion is not complete, the job will be canceled. We recommend ensuring that the timestamp is in UTC to avoid confusion and ambiguity. Examples of ISO-8601 timestamps include ``2017-10-12 09:30Z``, ``2017-10-12 12:33:54+00:00``, and ``2017-10-12`` :type deadline: str or datetime, optional :param skip_activation_check: When true, allow submission even if the endpoint isn't currently activated :type skip_activation_check: bool, optional :param notify_on_succeeded: Send a notification email when the delete task completes with a status of SUCCEEDED. [default: ``True``] :type notify_on_succeeded: bool, optional :param notify_on_failed: Send a notification email when the delete task completes with a status of FAILED. [default: ``True``] :type notify_on_failed: bool, optional :param notify_on_inactive: Send a notification email when the delete task changes status to INACTIVE. e.g. From credentials expiring. [default: ``True``] :type notify_on_inactive: bool, optional :param local_user: Optional value passed to identity mapping specifying which local user account to map to. Only usable with Globus Connect Server v5 mapped collections. :type local_user: string, optional :param additional_fields: additional fields to be added to the delete document. Mostly intended for internal use :type additional_fields: dict, optional **Examples** See the :meth:`submit_delete <globus_sdk.TransferClient.submit_delete>` documentation for example usage. **External Documentation** See the `Task document definition \ <>`_ and `Delete specific fields \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for more details on Delete Task documents. .. automethodlist:: globus_sdk.TransferData """ def __init__( self, transfer_client: globus_sdk.TransferClient | None = None, endpoint: UUIDLike | None = None, *, label: str | None = None, submission_id: UUIDLike | None = None, recursive: bool = False, ignore_missing: bool = False, interpret_globs: bool = False, deadline: str | datetime.datetime | None = None, skip_activation_check: bool | None = None, notify_on_succeeded: bool = True, notify_on_failed: bool = True, notify_on_inactive: bool = True, local_user: str | None = None, additional_fields: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() # this must be checked explicitly to handle the fact that `transfer_client` is # the first arg if endpoint is None: raise exc.GlobusSDKUsageError("endpoint is required") self["DATA_TYPE"] = "delete" self["DATA"] = [] self._set_optstrs( endpoint=endpoint, label=label, submission_id=submission_id or ( transfer_client.get_submission_id()["value"] if transfer_client else None ), deadline=deadline, local_user=local_user, ) self._set_optbools( recursive=recursive, ignore_missing=ignore_missing, interpret_globs=interpret_globs, skip_activation_check=skip_activation_check, notify_on_succeeded=notify_on_succeeded, notify_on_failed=notify_on_failed, notify_on_inactive=notify_on_inactive, ) for k, v in self.items():"DeleteData.%s = %s", k, v) if additional_fields is not None: self.update(additional_fields) for option, value in additional_fields.items(): f"DeleteData.{option} = {value} (option passed " "in via additional_fields)" )
[docs] def add_item( self, path: str, *, additional_fields: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> None: """ Add a file or directory or symlink to be deleted. If any of the paths are directories, ``recursive`` must be set True on the top level ``DeleteData``. Symlinks will never be followed, only deleted. Appends a delete_item document to the DATA key of the delete document. :param path: Path to the directory or file to be deleted :type path: str :param additional_fields: additional fields to be added to the delete item :type additional_fields: dict, optional """ item_data = {"DATA_TYPE": "delete_item", "path": path} if additional_fields is not None: item_data.update(additional_fields) log.debug('DeleteData[{}].add_item: "{}"'.format(self["endpoint"], path)) self["DATA"].append(item_data)
[docs] def iter_items(self) -> t.Iterator[dict[str, t.Any]]: """ An iterator of items created by ``add_item``. Each item takes the form of a dictionary. """ yield from iter(self["DATA"])