Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import enum
import sys
import typing as t

from globus_sdk import utils
from globus_sdk._types import UUIDLike

if sys.version_info < (3, 8):
    from typing_extensions import Literal
    from typing import Literal

[docs] class GroupRole(enum.Enum): member = "member" manager = "manager" admin = "admin"
_GROUP_ROLE_T = t.Union[GroupRole, Literal["member", "manager", "admin"]]
[docs] class GroupMemberVisibility(enum.Enum): members = "members" managers = "managers"
_GROUP_MEMBER_VISIBILITY_T = t.Union[ GroupMemberVisibility, Literal["members", "managers"] ]
[docs] class GroupVisibility(enum.Enum): authenticated = "authenticated" private = "private"
_GROUP_VISIBILITY_T = t.Union[GroupVisibility, Literal["authenticated", "private"]]
[docs] class GroupRequiredSignupFields(enum.Enum): institution = "institution" current_project_name = "current_project_name" address = "address" city = "city" state = "state" country = "country" address1 = "address1" address2 = "address2" zip = "zip" phone = "phone" department = "department" field_of_science = "field_of_science"
_GROUP_REQUIRED_SIGNUP_FIELDS_T = t.Union[ GroupRequiredSignupFields, Literal[ "institution", "current_project_name", "address", "city", "state", "country", "address1", "address2", "zip", "phone", "department", "field_of_science", ], ]
[docs] class BatchMembershipActions(utils.PayloadWrapper): """ An object used to represent a batch action on memberships of a group. `Perform actions on group members <>`_. """
[docs] def accept_invites( self, identity_ids: t.Iterable[UUIDLike] ) -> BatchMembershipActions: """ Accept invites for identities. The identities must belong to the identity set of authenticated user. :param identity_ids: The identities for whom to accept invites :type identity_ids: iterable of UUIDs or strings """ self.setdefault("accept", []).extend( {"identity_id": identity_id} for identity_id in utils.safe_strseq_iter(identity_ids) ) return self
[docs] def add_members( self, identity_ids: t.Iterable[UUIDLike], *, role: _GROUP_ROLE_T = "member", ) -> BatchMembershipActions: """ Add a list of identities to a group with the given role. :param identity_ids: The identities to add to the group :type identity_ids: iterable of UUIDs or strings :param role: The role for the new group members :type role: str or :class:`~.GroupRole` """ self.setdefault("add", []).extend( {"identity_id": identity_id, "role": role} for identity_id in utils.safe_strseq_iter(identity_ids) ) return self
[docs] def approve_pending( self, identity_ids: t.Iterable[UUIDLike] ) -> BatchMembershipActions: """ Approve a list of identities with pending join requests. :param identity_ids: The identities to approve as members of the group :type identity_ids: iterable of UUIDs or strings """ self.setdefault("approve", []).extend( {"identity_id": identity_id} for identity_id in utils.safe_strseq_iter(identity_ids) ) return self
[docs] def decline_invites( self, identity_ids: t.Iterable[UUIDLike] ) -> BatchMembershipActions: """ Decline an invitation for a given set of identities. :param identity_ids: The identities for whom invitations should be declined :type identity_ids: iterable of UUIDs or strings """ self.setdefault("decline", []).extend( {"identity_id": identity_id} for identity_id in utils.safe_strseq_iter(identity_ids) ) return self
[docs] def invite_members( self, identity_ids: t.Iterable[UUIDLike], *, role: _GROUP_ROLE_T = "member", ) -> BatchMembershipActions: """ Invite a list of identities to a group with the given role. :param identity_ids: The identities to invite to the group :type identity_ids: iterable of UUIDs or strings :param role: The role for the invited group members :type role: str or :class:`~.GroupRole` """ self.setdefault("invite", []).extend( {"identity_id": identity_id, "role": role} for identity_id in utils.safe_strseq_iter(identity_ids) ) return self
[docs] def join(self, identity_ids: t.Iterable[UUIDLike]) -> BatchMembershipActions: """ Join a group with the given identities. The identities must be in the authenticated users identity set. :param identity_ids: The identities to use to join the group :type identity_ids: iterable of UUIDs or strings """ self.setdefault("join", []).extend( {"identity_id": identity_id} for identity_id in utils.safe_strseq_iter(identity_ids) ) return self
[docs] def leave(self, identity_ids: t.Iterable[UUIDLike]) -> BatchMembershipActions: """ Leave a group that one of the identities in the authenticated user's identity set is a member of. :param identity_ids: The identities to remove from the group :type identity_ids: iterable of UUIDs or strings """ self.setdefault("leave", []).extend( {"identity_id": identity_id} for identity_id in utils.safe_strseq_iter(identity_ids) ) return self
[docs] def reject_join_requests( self, identity_ids: t.Iterable[UUIDLike] ) -> BatchMembershipActions: """ Reject identities which have requested to join the group. :param identity_ids: The identities to reject from the group :type identity_ids: iterable of UUIDs or strings """ self.setdefault("reject", []).extend( {"identity_id": identity_id} for identity_id in utils.safe_strseq_iter(identity_ids) ) return self
[docs] def remove_members( self, identity_ids: t.Iterable[UUIDLike] ) -> BatchMembershipActions: """ Remove members from a group. This must be done as an admin or manager of the group. :param identity_ids: The identities to remove from the group :type identity_ids: iterable of UUIDs or strings """ self.setdefault("remove", []).extend( {"identity_id": identity_id} for identity_id in utils.safe_strseq_iter(identity_ids) ) return self
[docs] def request_join( self, identity_ids: t.Iterable[UUIDLike] ) -> BatchMembershipActions: """ Request to join a group. :param identity_ids: The identities to use to request membership in the group :type identity_ids: iterable of UUIDs or strings """ self.setdefault("request_join", []).extend( {"identity_id": identity_id} for identity_id in utils.safe_strseq_iter(identity_ids) ) return self
[docs] class GroupPolicies(utils.PayloadWrapper): """ An object used to represent the policy settings of a group. This may be used to set or modify group settings. See also: `API documentation on setting the policies for the group. \ <>`_ """ def __init__( self, *, is_high_assurance: bool, group_visibility: _GROUP_VISIBILITY_T, group_members_visibility: _GROUP_MEMBER_VISIBILITY_T, join_requests: bool, signup_fields: t.Iterable[_GROUP_REQUIRED_SIGNUP_FIELDS_T], authentication_assurance_timeout: ( int | None | utils.MissingType ) = utils.MISSING, ): super().__init__() self["is_high_assurance"] = is_high_assurance self["group_visibility"] = group_visibility self["group_members_visibility"] = group_members_visibility self["join_requests"] = join_requests self["signup_fields"] = list(signup_fields) self["authentication_assurance_timeout"] = authentication_assurance_timeout