Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import typing as t
import uuid

from globus_sdk import client, paging, response, scopes, utils
from globus_sdk._types import UUIDLike
from globus_sdk.authorizers import GlobusAuthorizer

from .data import (
from .errors import GCSAPIError
from .response import IterableGCSResponse, UnpackingGCSResponse

C = t.TypeVar("C", bound=t.Callable[..., t.Any])

[docs] class GCSClient(client.BaseClient): """ A GCSClient provides communication with the GCS Manager API of a Globus Connect Server instance. For full reference, see the `documentation for the GCS Manager API <>`_. Unlike other client types, this must be provided with an address for the GCS Manager. All other arguments are the same as those for :class:`~globus_sdk.BaseClient`. :param gcs_address: The FQDN (DNS name) or HTTPS URL for the GCS Manager API. :type gcs_address: str .. automethodlist:: globus_sdk.GCSClient """ # TODO: under SDK v4.0, service_name should not be set service_name = "globus_connect_server" error_class = GCSAPIError def __init__( self, gcs_address: str, *, environment: str | None = None, authorizer: GlobusAuthorizer | None = None, app_name: str | None = None, transport_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ): # check if the provided address was a DNS name or an HTTPS URL # if it was a URL, do not modify, but if it's a DNS name format it accordingly # as a heuristic for this: just check if string starts with "https://" (this is # sufficient to distinguish between the two for valid inputs) if not gcs_address.startswith("https://"): gcs_address = f"https://{gcs_address}/api/" super().__init__( base_url=gcs_address, environment=environment, authorizer=authorizer, app_name=app_name, transport_params=transport_params, )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_gcs_endpoint_scopes( endpoint_id: uuid.UUID | str, ) -> scopes.GCSEndpointScopeBuilder: """Given a GCS Endpoint ID, this helper constructs an object containing the scopes for that Endpoint. :param endpoint_id: The ID of the Endpoint :type endpoint_id: UUID or str See documentation for :class:`globus_sdk.scopes.GCSEndpointScopeBuilder` for more information. """ return scopes.GCSEndpointScopeBuilder(str(endpoint_id))
[docs] @staticmethod def get_gcs_collection_scopes( collection_id: uuid.UUID | str, ) -> scopes.GCSCollectionScopeBuilder: """Given a GCS Collection ID, this helper constructs an object containing the scopes for that Collection. :param collection_id: The ID of the Collection :type collection_id: UUID or str See documentation for :class:`globus_sdk.scopes.GCSCollectionScopeBuilder` for more information. """ return scopes.GCSCollectionScopeBuilder(str(collection_id))
[docs] @staticmethod def connector_id_to_name(connector_id: UUIDLike) -> str | None: """ Helper that converts a given connector_id into a human readable connector name string. Will return None if the id is not recognized. Note that it is possible for valid connector_ids to be unrecognized due to differing SDK and GCS versions. :param connector_id: The ID of the connector :type connector_id: UUID or str """ connector_dict = { "7c100eae-40fe-11e9-95a3-9cb6d0d9fd63": "Box", "1b6374b0-f6a4-4cf7-a26f-f262d9c6ca72": "Ceph", "56366b96-ac98-11e9-abac-9cb6d0d9fd63": "Google Cloud Storage", "976cf0cf-78c3-4aab-82d2-7c16adbcc281": "Google Drive", "145812c8-decc-41f1-83cf-bb2a85a2a70b": "POSIX", "7643e831-5f6c-4b47-a07f-8ee90f401d23": "S3", "7e3f3f5e-350c-4717-891a-2f451c24b0d4": "SpectraLogic BlackPearl", } return connector_dict.get(str(connector_id))
# # collection methods #
[docs] @paging.has_paginator( paging.MarkerPaginator, items_key="data", ) def get_collection_list( self, *, mapped_collection_id: UUIDLike | None = None, filter: ( # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin str | t.Iterable[str] | None ) = None, include: str | t.Iterable[str] | None = None, page_size: int | None = None, marker: str | None = None, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> IterableGCSResponse: """ List the Collections on an Endpoint :param mapped_collection_id: Filter collections which were created using this mapped collection ID. :type mapped_collection_id: str or UUID :param filter: Filter the returned set to any combination of the following: ``mapped_collections``, ``guest_collections``, ``managed_by_me``, ``created_by_me``. :type filter: str or iterable of str, optional :param include: Names of additional documents to include in the response :type include: str or iterable of str, optional :param page_size: Number of results to return per page :type page_size: int, optional :param marker: Pagination marker supplied by previous API calls in the event a request returns more values than the page size :type marker: str, optional :param query_params: Additional passthrough query parameters :type query_params: dict, optional .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: API Info ``GET /collections`` .. extdoclink:: List Collections :ref: openapi_Collections/#ListCollections :service: gcs """ if query_params is None: query_params = {} if include is not None: query_params["include"] = ",".join(utils.safe_strseq_iter(include)) if page_size is not None: query_params["page_size"] = page_size if marker is not None: query_params["marker"] = marker if mapped_collection_id is not None: query_params["mapped_collection_id"] = mapped_collection_id if filter is not None: if isinstance(filter, str): filter = [filter] query_params["filter"] = ",".join(filter) return IterableGCSResponse(self.get("collections", query_params=query_params))
[docs] def get_collection( self, collection_id: UUIDLike, *, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> UnpackingGCSResponse: """ Lookup a Collection on an Endpoint :param collection_id: The ID of the collection to lookup :type collection_id: str or UUID :param query_params: Additional passthrough query parameters :type query_params: dict, optional .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: API Info ``GET /collections/{collection_id}`` .. extdoclink:: Get Collection :ref: openapi_Collections/#getCollection :service: gcs """ return UnpackingGCSResponse( self.get(f"/collections/{collection_id}", query_params=query_params), "collection", )
[docs] def create_collection( self, collection_data: dict[str, t.Any] | CollectionDocument, ) -> UnpackingGCSResponse: """ Create a collection. This is used to create either a mapped or a guest collection. When created, a ``collection:administrator`` role for that collection will be created using the caller’s identity. In order to create a guest collection, the caller must have an identity that matches the Storage Gateway policies. In order to create a mapped collection, the caller must have an ``endpoint:administrator`` or ``endpoint:owner`` role. :param collection_data: The collection document for the new collection :type collection_data: dict or CollectionDocument .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: API Info ``POST /collections`` .. extdoclink:: Create Collection :ref: openapi_Collections/#createCollection :service: gcs """ return UnpackingGCSResponse("/collections", data=collection_data), "collection" )
[docs] def update_collection( self, collection_id: UUIDLike, collection_data: dict[str, t.Any] | CollectionDocument, *, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> UnpackingGCSResponse: """ Update a Collection :param collection_id: The ID of the collection to update :type collection_id: str or UUID :param collection_data: The collection document for the modified collection :type collection_data: dict or CollectionDocument :param query_params: Additional passthrough query parameters :type query_params: dict, optional .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: API Info ``PATCH /collections/{collection_id}`` .. extdoclink:: Update Collection :ref: openapi_Collections/#patchCollection :service: gcs """ return UnpackingGCSResponse( self.patch( f"/collections/{collection_id}", data=collection_data, query_params=query_params, ), "collection", )
[docs] def delete_collection( self, collection_id: UUIDLike, *, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> response.GlobusHTTPResponse: """ Delete a Collection :param collection_id: The ID of the collection to delete :type collection_id: str or UUID :param query_params: Additional passthrough query parameters :type query_params: dict, optional .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: API Info ``DELETE /collections/{collection_id}`` .. extdoclink:: Delete Collection :ref: openapi_Collections/#deleteCollection :service: gcs """ return self.delete(f"/collections/{collection_id}", query_params=query_params)
# # storage gateway methods #
[docs] @paging.has_paginator( paging.MarkerPaginator, items_key="data", ) def get_storage_gateway_list( self, *, include: None | str | t.Iterable[str] = None, page_size: int | None = None, marker: str | None = None, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> IterableGCSResponse: """ List Storage Gateways :param include: Optional document types to include in the response. If 'private_policies' is included, then include private storage gateway policies in the attached storage_gateways document. This requires an ``administrator`` role on the Endpoint. :type include: str or iterable of str, optional :param page_size: Number of results to return per page :type page_size: int, optional :param marker: Pagination marker supplied by previous API calls in the event a request returns more values than the page size :type marker: str, optional :param query_params: Additional passthrough query parameters :type query_params: dict, optional .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Paginated Usage .. paginatedusage:: get_storage_gateway_list .. tab-item:: API Info ``GET /storage_gateways`` .. extdoclink:: Delete Collection :ref: openapi_Storage_Gateways/#getStorageGateways :service: gcs """ if query_params is None: query_params = {} if include is not None: query_params["include"] = ",".join(utils.safe_strseq_iter(include)) if page_size is not None: query_params["page_size"] = page_size if marker is not None: query_params["marker"] = marker return IterableGCSResponse( self.get("/storage_gateways", query_params=query_params) )
[docs] def create_storage_gateway( self, data: dict[str, t.Any] | StorageGatewayDocument, *, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> UnpackingGCSResponse: """ Create a Storage Gateway :param data: Data in the format of a Storage Gateway document, it is recommended to use the ``StorageGatewayDocument`` class to construct this data. :type data: dict or StorageGatewayDocument :param query_params: Additional passthrough query parameters :type query_params: dict, optional .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: API Info ``POST /storage_gateways`` .. extdoclink:: Create Storage Gateway :ref: openapi_Storage_Gateways/#postStorageGateway :service: gcs """ return UnpackingGCSResponse("/storage_gateways", data=data, query_params=query_params), "storage_gateway", )
[docs] def get_storage_gateway( self, storage_gateway_id: UUIDLike, *, include: None | str | t.Iterable[str] = None, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> UnpackingGCSResponse: """ Lookup a Storage Gateway by ID :param storage_gateway_id: UUID for the Storage Gateway to be gotten :type storage_gateway_id: str or UUID :param include: Optional document types to include in the response. If 'private_policies' is included, then include private storage gateway policies in the attached storage_gateways document. This requires an ``administrator`` role on the Endpoint. :type include: str or iterable of str, optional :param query_params: Additional passthrough query parameters :type query_params: dict, optional .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: API Info ``GET /storage_gateways/<storage_gateway_id>`` .. extdoclink:: Get a Storage Gateway :ref: openapi_Storage_Gateways/#getStorageGateway :service: gcs """ if query_params is None: query_params = {} if include is not None: query_params["include"] = ",".join(utils.safe_strseq_iter(include)) return UnpackingGCSResponse( self.get( f"/storage_gateways/{storage_gateway_id}", query_params=query_params, ), "storage_gateway", )
[docs] def update_storage_gateway( self, storage_gateway_id: UUIDLike, data: dict[str, t.Any] | StorageGatewayDocument, *, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> response.GlobusHTTPResponse: """ Update a Storage Gateway :param storage_gateway_id: UUID for the Storage Gateway to be updated :type storage_gateway_id: str or UUID :param data: Data in the format of a Storage Gateway document, it is recommended to use the ``StorageGatewayDocument`` class to construct this data. :type data: dict or StorageGatewayDocument :param query_params: Additional passthrough query parameters :type query_params: dict, optional .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: API Info ``PATCH /storage_gateways/<storage_gateway_id>`` .. extdoclink:: Update a Storage Gateway :ref: openapi_Storage_Gateways/#patchStorageGateway :service: gcs """ return self.patch( f"/storage_gateways/{storage_gateway_id}", data=data, query_params=query_params, )
[docs] def delete_storage_gateway( self, storage_gateway_id: str | uuid.UUID, *, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> response.GlobusHTTPResponse: """ Delete a Storage Gateway :param storage_gateway_id: UUID for the Storage Gateway to be deleted :type storage_gateway_id: str or UUID :param query_params: Additional passthrough query parameters :type query_params: dict, optional .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: API Info ``DELETE /storage_gateways/<storage_gateway_id>`` .. extdoclink:: Delete a Storage Gateway :ref: openapi_Storage_Gateways/#deleteStorageGateway :service: gcs """ return self.delete( f"/storage_gateways/{storage_gateway_id}", query_params=query_params )
# # role methods #
[docs] @paging.has_paginator( paging.MarkerPaginator, items_key="data", ) def get_role_list( self, collection_id: UUIDLike | None = None, include: str | None = None, page_size: int | None = None, marker: str | None = None, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> IterableGCSResponse: """ List Roles :param collection_id: UUID of a Collection. If given then only roles related to that Collection are returned, otherwise only Endpoint roles are returned. :type collection_id: str or UUID, optional :param include: Pass "all_roles" to request all roles all roles relevant to the resource instead of only those the caller has on the resource :param page_size: Number of results to return per page :type page_size: int, optional :param marker: Pagination marker supplied by previous API calls in the event a request returns more values than the page size :type marker: str, optional :type include: str, optional :param query_params: Additional passthrough query parameters :type query_params: dict, optional .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: API Info ``GET /roles`` .. extdoclink:: Delete a Storage Gateway :ref: openapi_Roles/#listRoles :service: gcs """ if query_params is None: query_params = {} if include is not None: query_params["include"] = include if page_size is not None: query_params["page_size"] = page_size if marker is not None: query_params["marker"] = marker if collection_id is not None: query_params["collection_id"] = collection_id path = "/roles" return IterableGCSResponse(self.get(path, query_params=query_params))
[docs] def create_role( self, data: dict[str, t.Any] | GCSRoleDocument, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> UnpackingGCSResponse: """ Create a Role :param data: Data in the format of a Role document, it is recommended to use the `GCSRoleDocument` class to construct this data. :type data: dict :param query_params: Additional passthrough query parameters :type query_params: dict, optional .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: API Info ``POST /roles`` .. extdoclink:: Create Role :ref: openapi_Roles/#postRole :service: gcs """ path = "/roles" return UnpackingGCSResponse(, data=data, query_params=query_params), "role", )
[docs] def get_role( self, role_id: UUIDLike, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> UnpackingGCSResponse: """ Get a Role by ID :param role_id: UUID for the Role to be gotten :type role_id: str or UUID :param query_params: Additional passthrough query parameters :type query_params: dict, optional .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: API Info ``GET /roles/{role_id}`` .. extdoclink:: Get Role :ref: openapi_Roles/#getRole :service: gcs """ path = f"/roles/{role_id}" return UnpackingGCSResponse(self.get(path, query_params=query_params), "role")
[docs] def delete_role( self, role_id: UUIDLike, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> response.GlobusHTTPResponse: """ Delete a Role :param role_id: UUID for the Role to be deleted :type role_id: str or UUID :param query_params: Additional passthrough query parameters :type query_params: dict, optional .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: API Info ``DELETE /roles/{role_id}`` .. extdoclink:: Delete Role :ref: openapi_Roles/#deleteRole :service: gcs """ path = f"/roles/{role_id}" return self.delete(path, query_params=query_params)
[docs] @paging.has_paginator( paging.MarkerPaginator, items_key="data", ) def get_user_credential_list( self, storage_gateway: UUIDLike | None = None, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, page_size: int | None = None, marker: str | None = None, ) -> IterableGCSResponse: """ List User Credentials :param storage_gateway: UUID of a storage gateway to limit results to :type storage_gateway: str or UUID, optional :param query_params: Additional passthrough query parameters :type query_params: dict, optional :param page_size: Number of results to return per page :type page_size: int, optional :param marker: Pagination marker supplied by previous API calls in the event a request returns more values than the page size :type marker: str, optional .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: API Info ``GET /user_credentials`` .. extdoclink:: Get User Credential List :ref: openapi_User_Credentials/#getUserCredentials :service: gcs """ if query_params is None: query_params = {} if storage_gateway is not None: query_params["storage_gateway"] = storage_gateway if page_size is not None: query_params["page_size"] = page_size if marker is not None: query_params["marker"] = marker path = "/user_credentials" return IterableGCSResponse(self.get(path, query_params=query_params))
[docs] def create_user_credential( self, data: dict[str, t.Any] | UserCredentialDocument, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> UnpackingGCSResponse: """ Create a User Credential :param data: Data in the format of a UserCredential document, it is recommended to use the `UserCredential` class to construct this :type data: dict :param query_params: Additional passthrough query parameters :type query_params: dict, optional .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: API Info ``POST /user_credentials`` .. extdoclink:: Create User Credential :ref: openapi_User_Credentials/#postUserCredential :service: gcs """ path = "/user_credentials" return UnpackingGCSResponse(, data=data, query_params=query_params), "user_credential", )
[docs] def get_user_credential( self, user_credential_id: UUIDLike, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> UnpackingGCSResponse: """ Get a User Credential by ID :param user_credential_id: UUID for the UserCredential to be gotten :type user_credential_id: str or UUID :param query_params: Additional passthrough query parameters :type query_params: dict, optional .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: API Info ``GET /user_credentials/{user_credential_id}`` .. extdoclink:: Get a User Credential :ref: openapi_User_Credentials/#getUserCredential :service: gcs """ path = f"/user_credentials/{user_credential_id}" return UnpackingGCSResponse( self.get(path, query_params=query_params), "user_credential" )
[docs] def update_user_credential( self, user_credential_id: UUIDLike, data: dict[str, t.Any] | UserCredentialDocument, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> UnpackingGCSResponse: """ Update a User Credential :param user_credential_id: UUID for the UserCredential to be updated :type user_credential_id: str or UUID :param data: Data in the format of a UserCredential document, it is recommended to use the `UserCredential` class to construct this :type data: dict :param query_params: Additional passthrough query parameters :type query_params: dict, optional .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: API Info ``PATCH /user_credentials/{user_credential_id}`` .. extdoclink:: Update a User Credential :ref: openapi_User_Credentials/#patchUserCredential :service: gcs """ path = f"/user_credentials/{user_credential_id}" return UnpackingGCSResponse( self.patch(path, data=data, query_params=query_params), "user_credential" )
[docs] def delete_user_credential( self, user_credential_id: UUIDLike, query_params: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> response.GlobusHTTPResponse: """ Delete a User Credential :param user_credential_id: UUID for the UserCredential to be deleted :type user_credential_id: str or UUID :param query_params: Additional passthrough query parameters :type query_params: dict, optional .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: API Info ``DELETE /user_credentials/{user_credential_id}`` .. extdoclink:: Delete User Credential :ref: openapi_User_Credentials/#deleteUserCredential :service: gcs """ path = f"/user_credentials/{user_credential_id}" return self.delete(path, query_params=query_params)