Source code for globus_sdk._testing.registry

from __future__ import annotations

import importlib
import typing as t

import responses

import globus_sdk

from .models import RegisteredResponse, ResponseList, ResponseSet

_RESPONSE_SET_REGISTRY: dict[t.Any, ResponseSet] = {}

[docs] def register_response_set( set_id: t.Any, rset: ResponseSet | dict[str, dict[str, t.Any]], metadata: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> ResponseSet: """ Register a new ``ResponseSet`` object. The response set may be specified as a dict or a ResponseSet object. :param set_id: The ID used to retrieve the response set later :type set_id: any :param rset: The response set to register :type rset: dict or ResponseSet :param metadata: Metadata dict to assign to the response set when it is specified as a dict. If the response set is an object, this argument is ignored. :type metadata: dict, optional """ if isinstance(rset, dict): rset = ResponseSet.from_dict(rset, metadata=metadata) _RESPONSE_SET_REGISTRY[set_id] = rset return rset
def _resolve_qualname(name: str) -> str: if "." not in name: return name prefix, suffix = name.split(".", 1) if not hasattr(globus_sdk, prefix): return name # something from globus_sdk, could be a client class maybe_client = getattr(globus_sdk, prefix) # there are a dozen ways of writing this check, but the point is # "if it's not a client class" if not ( isinstance(maybe_client, type) and issubclass(maybe_client, globus_sdk.BaseClient) ): return name assert issubclass(maybe_client, globus_sdk.BaseClient) service_name = maybe_client.service_name return f"{service_name}.{suffix}"
[docs] def get_response_set(set_id: t.Any) -> ResponseSet: """ Lookup a ``ResponseSet`` as in ``load_response_set``, but without activating it. :param set_id: The ID used to retrieve the response set. Typically a string, but could be any key used to register a response set. :type set_id: any """ # first priority: check the explicit registry if set_id in _RESPONSE_SET_REGISTRY: return _RESPONSE_SET_REGISTRY[set_id] # if ID is a string, it's the (optionally dotted) name of a module if isinstance(set_id, str): module_name = f"{set_id}" else: assert hasattr( set_id, "__qualname__" ), f"cannot load response set from {type(set_id)}" # support modules like # globus_sdk/_testing/data/auth/ # for lookups like # get_response_set(AuthClient.get_identities) module_name = ( f"{_resolve_qualname(set_id.__qualname__)}" ) # after that, check the built-in "registry" built from modules try: module = importlib.import_module(module_name) except ModuleNotFoundError as e: raise ValueError(f"no fixtures defined for {module_name}") from e assert isinstance(module.RESPONSES, ResponseSet) return module.RESPONSES
[docs] def load_response_set( set_id: t.Any, *, requests_mock: responses.RequestsMock | None = None ) -> ResponseSet: """ Optionally lookup a response set and activate all of its responses. If passed a ``ResponseSet``, activate it, otherwise the first argument is an ID used for lookup. :param set_id: The ID used to retrieve the response set. Typically a string, but could be any key used to register a response set. :type set_id: any :param requests_mock: A ``responses`` library mock to use for response mocking, defaults to the ``responses`` default :type requests_mock: ``responses.RequestsMock``, optional """ if isinstance(set_id, ResponseSet): return set_id.activate_all(requests_mock=requests_mock) ret = get_response_set(set_id) ret.activate_all(requests_mock=requests_mock) return ret
[docs] def load_response( set_id: t.Any, *, case: str = "default", requests_mock: responses.RequestsMock | None = None, ) -> RegisteredResponse | ResponseList: """ Optionally lookup and activate an individual response. If given a ``RegisteredResponse``, activate it, otherwise the first argument is an ID of a ``ResponseSet`` used for lookup. By default, looks for the response registered under ``case="default"``. :param set_id: The ID used to retrieve the response set. Typically a string, but could be any key used to register a response set. :type set_id: any :param case: The name of a case within the response set to load, ignoring all other registered mocks in the response set :type case: str, optional :param requests_mock: A ``responses`` library mock to use for response mocking, defaults to the ``responses`` default :type requests_mock: ``responses.RequestsMock``, optional """ if isinstance(set_id, RegisteredResponse): return set_id.add(requests_mock=requests_mock) rset = get_response_set(set_id) return rset.activate(case, requests_mock=requests_mock)