Source code for

Data helper classes for constructing Transfer API documents. All classes should
extend ``dict``, so they can be passed seamlessly to
:class:`TransferClient <globus_sdk.TransferClient>` methods without

import logging

from globus_sdk.base import safe_stringify

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TransferData(dict): r""" Convenience class for constructing a transfer document, to use as the `data` parameter to :meth:`submit_transfer <globus_sdk.TransferClient.submit_transfer>`. At least one item must be added using :meth:`add_item <globus_sdk.TransferData.add_item>`. If ``submission_id`` isn't passed, one will be fetched automatically. The submission ID can be pulled out of here to inspect, but the document can be used as-is multiple times over to retry a potential submission failure (so there shouldn't be any need to inspect it). :param transfer_client: A ``TransferClient`` instance which will be used to get a submission ID if one is not supplied. Should be the same instance that is used to submit the transfer. :type transfer_client: :class:`TransferClient <globus_sdk.TransferClient>` :param source_endpoint: The endpoint ID of the source endpoint :type source_endpoint: str :param destination_endpoint: The endpoint ID of the destination endpoint :type destination_endpoint: str :param label: A string label for the Task :type label: str, optional :param submission_id: A submission ID value fetched via :meth:`get_submission_id \ <globus_sdk.TransferClient.get_submission_id>`. Defaults to using ``transfer_client.get_submission_id`` :type submission_id: str, optional :param sync_level: The method used to compare items between the source and destination. One of ``"exists"``, ``"size"``, ``"mtime"``, or ``"checksum"`` See the section below on sync-level for an explanation of values. :type sync_level: int or str, optional :param verify_checksum: When true, after transfer verify that the source and destination file checksums match. If they don't, re-transfer the entire file and keep trying until it succeeds. This will create CPU load on both the origin and destination of the transfer, and may even be a bottleneck if the network speed is high enough. [default: ``False``] :type verify_checksum: bool, optional :param preserve_timestamp: When true, Globus Transfer will attempt to set file timestamps on the destination to match those on the origin. [default: ``False``] :type preserve_timestamp: bool, optional :param encrypt_data: When true, all files will be TLS-protected during transfer. [default: ``False``] :type encrypt_data: bool, optional :param deadline: An ISO-8601 timestamp (as a string) or a datetime object which defines a deadline for the transfer. At the deadline, even if the data transfer is not complete, the job will be canceled. We recommend ensuring that the timestamp is in UTC to avoid confusion and ambiguity. Examples of ISO-8601 timestamps include ``2017-10-12 09:30Z``, ``2017-10-12 12:33:54+00:00``, and ``2017-10-12`` :type deadline: str or datetime, optional :param recursive_symlinks: Specify the behavior of recursive directory transfers when encountering symlinks. One of ``"ignore"``, ``"keep"``, or ``"copy"``. ``"ignore"`` skips symlinks, ``"keep"`` creates symlinks at the destination matching the source (without modifying the link path at all), and ``"copy"`` follows symlinks on the source, failing if the link is invalid. [default: ``"ignore"``] :type recursive_symlinks: str :param skip_source_errors: When true, source permission denied and file not found errors from the source endpoint will cause the offending path to be skipped. [default: ``False``] :type skip_source_errors: bool, optional :param fail_on_quota_errors: When true, quota exceeded errors will cause the task to fail. [default: ``False``] :type fail_on_quota_errors: bool, optional Any additional parameters are fed into the dict being created verbatim. **Sync Levels** The values for ``sync_level`` are used to determine how comparisons are made between files found both on the source and the destination. When files match, no data transfer will occur. For compatibility, this can be an integer ``0``, ``1``, ``2``, or ``3`` in addition to the string values. The meanings are as follows: ===================== ======== value behavior ===================== ======== ``0``, ``exists`` Determine whether or not to transfer based on file existence. If the destination file is absent, do the transfer. ``1``, ``size`` Determine whether or not to transfer based on the size of the file. If destination file size does not match the source, do the transfer. ``2``, ``mtime`` Determine whether or not to transfer based on modification times. If source has a newer modififed time than the destination, do the transfer. ``3``, ``checksum`` Determine whether or not to transfer based on checksums of file contents. If source and destination contents differ, as determined by a checksum of their contents, do the transfer. ===================== ======== **Examples** See the :meth:`submit_transfer <globus_sdk.TransferClient.submit_transfer>` documentation for example usage. **External Documentation** See the `Task document definition \ <>`_ and `Transfer specific fields \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for more details on Transfer Task documents. .. automethodlist:: globus_sdk.TransferData """ def __init__( self, transfer_client, source_endpoint, destination_endpoint, label=None, submission_id=None, sync_level=None, verify_checksum=False, preserve_timestamp=False, encrypt_data=False, deadline=None, skip_source_errors=False, fail_on_quota_errors=False, recursive_symlinks="ignore", **kwargs, ): source_endpoint = safe_stringify(source_endpoint) destination_endpoint = safe_stringify(destination_endpoint)"Creating a new TransferData object") self["DATA_TYPE"] = "transfer" self["submission_id"] = ( submission_id or transfer_client.get_submission_id()["value"] )"TransferData.submission_id = {}".format(self["submission_id"])) self["source_endpoint"] = source_endpoint"TransferData.source_endpoint = {source_endpoint}") self["destination_endpoint"] = destination_endpoint"TransferData.destination_endpoint = {destination_endpoint}") self["verify_checksum"] = verify_checksum"TransferData.verify_checksum = {verify_checksum}") self["preserve_timestamp"] = preserve_timestamp"TransferData.preserve_timestamp = {preserve_timestamp}") self["encrypt_data"] = encrypt_data"TransferData.encrypt_data = {encrypt_data}") self["recursive_symlinks"] = recursive_symlinks"TransferData.recursive_symlinks = {recursive_symlinks}") self["skip_source_errors"] = skip_source_errors"TransferData.skip_source_errors = {skip_source_errors}") self["fail_on_quota_errors"] = fail_on_quota_errors"TransferData.fail_on_quota_errors = {fail_on_quota_errors}") if label is not None: self["label"] = label logger.debug(f"TransferData.label = {label}") if deadline is not None: self["deadline"] = str(deadline) logger.debug(f"TransferData.deadline = {deadline}") # map the sync_level (if it's a nice string) to one of the known int # values # you can get away with specifying an invalid sync level -- the API # will just reject you with an error. This is kind of important: if # more levels are added in the future this method doesn't become # garbage overnight if sync_level is not None: sync_dict = {"exists": 0, "size": 1, "mtime": 2, "checksum": 3} self["sync_level"] = sync_dict.get(sync_level, sync_level) "TransferData.sync_level = {} ({})".format( self["sync_level"], sync_level ) ) self["DATA"] = [] self.update(kwargs) for option, value in kwargs.items(): "TransferData.{} = {} (option passed in via kwargs)".format( option, value ) )
[docs] def add_item( self, source_path, destination_path, recursive=False, external_checksum=None, checksum_algorithm=None, **params, ): """ Add a file or directory to be transfered. If the item is a symlink to a file or directory, the file or directory at the target of the symlink will be transfered. Appends a transfer_item document to the DATA key of the transfer document. .. note:: The full path to the destination file must be provided for file items. Parent directories of files are not allowed. See `task submission documentation <>`_ for more details. :param source_path: Path to the source directory or file to be transfered :type source_path: str :param destination_path: Path to the source directory or file will be transfered to :type destination_path: str :param recursive: Set to True if the target at source path is a directory :type recursive: bool :param external_checksum: A checksum to verify source file integrity before the transfer and destination file integrity after the transfer. Cannot be used with directories. Assumed to be an MD5 checksum unless checksum_algorithm is also given. :type external_checksum: str, optional :param checksum_algorithm: Specifies the checksum algorithm to be used when verify_checksum is True, sync_level is "checksum" or 3, or an external_checksum is given. :type checksum_algorithm: str, optional """ source_path = safe_stringify(source_path) destination_path = safe_stringify(destination_path) item_data = { "DATA_TYPE": "transfer_item", "source_path": source_path, "destination_path": destination_path, "recursive": recursive, "external_checksum": external_checksum, "checksum_algorithm": checksum_algorithm, } item_data.update(params) logger.debug( 'TransferData[{}, {}].add_item: "{}"->"{}"'.format( self["source_endpoint"], self["destination_endpoint"], source_path, destination_path, ) ) self["DATA"].append(item_data)
[docs]class DeleteData(dict): r""" Convenience class for constructing a delete document, to use as the `data` parameter to :meth:`submit_delete <globus_sdk.TransferClient.submit_delete>`. At least one item must be added using :meth:`add_item <globus_sdk.DeleteData.add_item>`. If ``submission_id`` isn't passed, one will be fetched automatically. The submission ID can be pulled out of here to inspect, but the document can be used as-is multiple times over to retry a potential submission failure (so there shouldn't be any need to inspect it). :param transfer_client: A ``TransferClient`` instance which will be used to get a submission ID if one is not supplied. Should be the same instance that is used to submit the deletion. :type transfer_client: :class:`TransferClient <globus_sdk.TransferClient>` :param endpoint: The endpoint ID which is targeted by this deletion Task :type endpoint: str :param label: A string label for the Task :type label: str, optional :param submission_id: A submission ID value fetched via :meth:`get_submission_id <globus_sdk.TransferClient.get_submission_id>`. Defaults to using ``transfer_client.get_submission_id`` :type submission_id: str, optional :param recursive: Recursively delete subdirectories on the target endpoint [default: ``False``] :type recursive: bool :param deadline: An ISO-8601 timestamp (as a string) or a datetime object which defines a deadline for the deletion. At the deadline, even if the data deletion is not complete, the job will be canceled. We recommend ensuring that the timestamp is in UTC to avoid confusion and ambiguity. Examples of ISO-8601 timestamps include ``2017-10-12 09:30Z``, ``2017-10-12 12:33:54+00:00``, and ``2017-10-12`` :type deadline: str or datetime, optional **Examples** See the :meth:`submit_delete <globus_sdk.TransferClient.submit_delete>` documentation for example usage. **External Documentation** See the `Task document definition \ <>`_ and `Delete specific fields \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for more details on Delete Task documents. .. automethodlist:: globus_sdk.TransferData """ def __init__( self, transfer_client, endpoint, label=None, submission_id=None, recursive=False, deadline=None, **kwargs, ): endpoint = safe_stringify(endpoint)"Creating a new DeleteData object") self["DATA_TYPE"] = "delete" self["submission_id"] = ( submission_id or transfer_client.get_submission_id()["value"] )"DeleteData.submission_id = {}".format(self["submission_id"])) self["endpoint"] = endpoint"DeleteData.endpoint = {endpoint}") self["recursive"] = recursive"DeleteData.recursive = {recursive}") if label is not None: self["label"] = label logger.debug(f"DeleteData.label = {label}") if deadline is not None: self["deadline"] = str(deadline) logger.debug(f"DeleteData.deadline = {deadline}") self["DATA"] = [] self.update(kwargs) for option, value in kwargs.items():"DeleteData.{option} = {value} (option passed in via kwargs)")
[docs] def add_item(self, path, **params): """ Add a file or directory or symlink to be deleted. If any of the paths are directories, ``recursive`` must be set True on the top level ``DeleteData``. Symlinks will never be followed, only deleted. Appends a delete_item document to the DATA key of the delete document. """ path = safe_stringify(path) item_data = {"DATA_TYPE": "delete_item", "path": path} item_data.update(params) logger.debug('DeleteData[{}].add_item: "{}"'.format(self["endpoint"], path)) self["DATA"].append(item_data)