Source code for globus_sdk.transfer.client

import logging
import time

from globus_sdk import exc
from globus_sdk.authorizers import (
from globus_sdk.base import BaseClient, merge_params, safe_stringify
from globus_sdk.transfer.paging import PaginatedResource
from globus_sdk.transfer.response import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TransferClient(BaseClient): r""" Client for the `Globus Transfer API <>`_. This class provides helper methods for most common resources in the REST API, and basic ``get``, ``put``, ``post``, and ``delete`` methods from the base rest client that can be used to access any REST resource. There are two types of helper methods: list methods which return an iterator of :class:`GlobusResponse \ <globus_sdk.response.GlobusResponse>` objects, and simple methods that return a single :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` object. Some calls are paginated. If a call returns a :class:`PaginatedResource \ <globus_sdk.transfer.paging.PaginatedResource>` object, the result is an iterator which can only be walked *once*. If you need to do multiple passes over the result, call ``list()`` on the ``PaginatedResource`` or call the original method again to get fresh results. Detailed documentation is available in the official REST API documentation, which is linked to from the method documentation. Methods that allow arbitrary keyword arguments will pass the extra arguments as query parameters. :param authorizer: An authorizer instance used for all calls to Globus Transfer :type authorizer: :class:`GlobusAuthorizer\ <globus_sdk.authorizers.base.GlobusAuthorizer>` .. automethodlist:: globus_sdk.TransferClient """ # disallow basic auth allowed_authorizer_types = [ AccessTokenAuthorizer, RefreshTokenAuthorizer, ClientCredentialsAuthorizer, ] error_class = exc.TransferAPIError default_response_class = TransferResponse def __init__(self, authorizer=None, **kwargs): BaseClient.__init__( self, "transfer", base_path="/v0.10/", authorizer=authorizer, **kwargs ) # Convenience methods, providing more pythonic access to common REST # resources # # Endpoint Management #
[docs] def get_endpoint(self, endpoint_id, **params): """ ``GET /endpoint/<endpoint_id>`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **Examples** >>> tc = globus_sdk.TransferClient(...) >>> endpoint = tc.get_endpoint(endpoint_id) >>> print("Endpoint name:", >>> endpoint["display_name"] or endpoint["canonical_name"]) **External Documentation** See `Get Endpoint by ID \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id)"TransferClient.get_endpoint({endpoint_id})") path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint", endpoint_id) return self.get(path, params=params)
[docs] def update_endpoint(self, endpoint_id, data, **params): """ ``PUT /endpoint/<endpoint_id>`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **Examples** >>> tc = globus_sdk.TransferClient(...) >>> epup = dict(display_name="My New Endpoint Name", >>> description="Better Description") >>> update_result = tc.update_endpoint(endpoint_id, epup) **External Documentation** See `Update Endpoint by ID \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ if data.get("myproxy_server"): if data.get("oauth_server"): raise exc.GlobusSDKUsageError( "an endpoint cannot be reconfigured to use multiple " "identity providers for activation; specify either " "MyProxy or OAuth, not both" ) else: data["oauth_server"] = None elif data.get("oauth_server"): data["myproxy_server"] = None endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id)"TransferClient.update_endpoint({endpoint_id}, ...)") path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint", endpoint_id) return self.put(path, data, params=params)
[docs] def create_endpoint(self, data): """ ``POST /endpoint/<endpoint_id>`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **Examples** >>> tc = globus_sdk.TransferClient(...) >>> ep_data = { >>> "DATA_TYPE": "endpoint", >>> "display_name": display_name, >>> "DATA": [ >>> { >>> "DATA_TYPE": "server", >>> "hostname": "", >>> }, >>> ], >>> } >>> create_result = tc.create_endpoint(ep_data) >>> endpoint_id = create_result["id"] **External Documentation** See `Create endpoint \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ if data.get("myproxy_server") and data.get("oauth_server"): raise exc.GlobusSDKUsageError( "an endpoint cannot be created using multiple identity " "providers for activation; specify either MyProxy or OAuth, " "not both" )"TransferClient.create_endpoint(...)") return"endpoint", data)
[docs] def delete_endpoint(self, endpoint_id): """ ``DELETE /endpoint/<endpoint_id>`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **Examples** >>> tc = globus_sdk.TransferClient(...) >>> delete_result = tc.delete_endpoint(endpoint_id) **External Documentation** See `Delete endpoint by id \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id)"TransferClient.delete_endpoint({endpoint_id})") path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint", endpoint_id) return self.delete(path)
[docs] def endpoint_autoactivate(self, endpoint_id, **params): r""" ``POST /endpoint/<endpoint_id>/autoactivate`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` The following example will try to "auto" activate the endpoint using a credential available from another endpoint or sign in by the user with the same identity provider, but only if the endpoint is not already activated or going to expire within an hour (3600 seconds). If that fails, direct the user to the globus website to perform activation: **Examples** >>> tc = globus_sdk.TransferClient(...) >>> r = tc.endpoint_autoactivate(ep_id, if_expires_in=3600) >>> while (r["code"] == "AutoActivationFailed"): >>> print("Endpoint requires manual activation, please open " >>> "the following URL in a browser to activate the " >>> "endpoint:") >>> print("" >>> % ep_id) >>> input("Press ENTER after activating the endpoint:") >>> r = tc.endpoint_autoactivate(ep_id, if_expires_in=3600) This is the recommended flow for most thick client applications, because many endpoints require activation via OAuth MyProxy, which must be done in a browser anyway. Web based clients can link directly to the URL. You also might want messaging or logging depending on why and how the operation succeeded, in which case you'll need to look at the value of the "code" field and either decide on your own messaging or use the response's "message" field. >>> tc = globus_sdk.TransferClient(...) >>> r = tc.endpoint_autoactivate(ep_id, if_expires_in=3600) >>> if r['code'] == 'AutoActivationFailed': >>> print('Endpoint({}) Not Active! Error! Source message: {}' >>> .format(ep_id, r['message'])) >>> sys.exit(1) >>> elif r['code'] == 'AutoActivated.CachedCredential': >>> print('Endpoint({}) autoactivated using a cached credential.' >>> .format(ep_id)) >>> elif r['code'] == 'AutoActivated.GlobusOnlineCredential': >>> print(('Endpoint({}) autoactivated using a built-in Globus ' >>> 'credential.').format(ep_id)) >>> elif r['code'] = 'AlreadyActivated': >>> print('Endpoint({}) already active until at least {}' >>> .format(ep_id, 3600)) **External Documentation** See `Autoactivate endpoint \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id)"TransferClient.endpoint_autoactivate({endpoint_id})") path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint", endpoint_id, "autoactivate") return, params=params)
[docs] def endpoint_deactivate(self, endpoint_id, **params): """ ``POST /endpoint/<endpoint_id>/deactivate`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Deactive endpoint \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id)"TransferClient.endpoint_deactivate({endpoint_id})") path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint", endpoint_id, "deactivate") return, params=params)
[docs] def endpoint_activate(self, endpoint_id, requirements_data, **params): """ ``POST /endpoint/<endpoint_id>/activate`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` Consider using autoactivate and web activation instead, described in the example for :meth:`~globus_sdk.TransferClient.endpoint_autoactivate`. **External Documentation** See `Activate endpoint \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id)"TransferClient.endpoint_activate({endpoint_id})") path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint", endpoint_id, "activate") return, json_body=requirements_data, params=params)
[docs] def endpoint_get_activation_requirements(self, endpoint_id, **params): """ ``GET /endpoint/<endpoint_id>/activation_requirements`` :rtype: :class:`ActivationRequirementsResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.ActivationRequirementsResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Get activation requirements \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id) path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint", endpoint_id, "activation_requirements") return self.get( path, params=params, response_class=ActivationRequirementsResponse )
[docs] def my_effective_pause_rule_list(self, endpoint_id, **params): """ ``GET /endpoint/<endpoint_id>/my_effective_pause_rule_list`` :rtype: :class:`IterableTransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.IterableTransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Get my effective endpoint pause rules \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id) f"TransferClient.my_effective_pause_rule_list({endpoint_id}, ...)" ) path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint", endpoint_id, "my_effective_pause_rule_list") return self.get(path, params=params, response_class=IterableTransferResponse)
# Shared Endpoints
[docs] def my_shared_endpoint_list(self, endpoint_id, **params): """ ``GET /endpoint/<endpoint_id>/my_shared_endpoint_list`` :rtype: :class:`IterableTransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.IterableTransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Get shared endpoint list \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id)"TransferClient.my_shared_endpoint_list({endpoint_id}, ...)") path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint", endpoint_id, "my_shared_endpoint_list") return self.get(path, params=params, response_class=IterableTransferResponse)
[docs] def create_shared_endpoint(self, data): """ ``POST /shared_endpoint`` :param data: A python dict representation of a ``shared_endpoint`` document :type data: dict :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **Examples** >>> tc = globus_sdk.TransferClient(...) >>> shared_ep_data = { >>> "DATA_TYPE": "shared_endpoint", >>> "host_endpoint": host_endpoint_id, >>> "host_path": host_path, >>> "display_name": display_name, >>> # optionally specify additional endpoint fields >>> "description": "my test share" >>> } >>> create_result = tc.create_shared_endpoint(shared_ep_data) >>> endpoint_id = create_result["id"] **External Documentation** See `Create shared endpoint \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """"TransferClient.create_shared_endpoint(...)") return"shared_endpoint", json_body=data)
# Endpoint servers
[docs] def endpoint_server_list(self, endpoint_id, **params): """ ``GET /endpoint/<endpoint_id>/server_list`` :rtype: :class:`IterableTransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.IterableTransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Get endpoint server list \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id)"TransferClient.endpoint_server_list({endpoint_id}, ...)") path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint", endpoint_id, "server_list") return self.get(path, params=params, response_class=IterableTransferResponse)
[docs] def get_endpoint_server(self, endpoint_id, server_id, **params): """ ``GET /endpoint/<endpoint_id>/server/<server_id>`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Get endpoint server by id\ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id) "TransferClient.get_endpoint_server({}, {}, ...)".format( endpoint_id, server_id ) ) path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint", endpoint_id, "server", str(server_id)) return self.get(path, params=params)
[docs] def add_endpoint_server(self, endpoint_id, server_data): """ ``POST /endpoint/<endpoint_id>/server`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Add endpoint server \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id)"TransferClient.add_endpoint_server({endpoint_id}, ...)") path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint", endpoint_id, "server") return, server_data)
[docs] def update_endpoint_server(self, endpoint_id, server_id, server_data): """ ``PUT /endpoint/<endpoint_id>/server/<server_id>`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Update endpoint server by id \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id) "TransferClient.update_endpoint_server({}, {}, ...)".format( endpoint_id, server_id ) ) path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint", endpoint_id, "server", str(server_id)) return self.put(path, server_data)
[docs] def delete_endpoint_server(self, endpoint_id, server_id): """ ``DELETE /endpoint/<endpoint_id>/server/<server_id>`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Delete endpoint server by id \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id) "TransferClient.delete_endpoint_server({}, {})".format( endpoint_id, server_id ) ) path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint", endpoint_id, "server", str(server_id)) return self.delete(path)
# # Roles #
[docs] def endpoint_role_list(self, endpoint_id, **params): """ ``GET /endpoint/<endpoint_id>/role_list`` :rtype: :class:`IterableTransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.IterableTransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Get list of endpoint roles \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id)"TransferClient.endpoint_role_list({endpoint_id}, ...)") path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint", endpoint_id, "role_list") return self.get(path, params=params, response_class=IterableTransferResponse)
[docs] def add_endpoint_role(self, endpoint_id, role_data): """ ``POST /endpoint/<endpoint_id>/role`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Create endpoint role \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id)"TransferClient.add_endpoint_role({endpoint_id}, ...)") path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint", endpoint_id, "role") return, role_data)
[docs] def get_endpoint_role(self, endpoint_id, role_id, **params): """ ``GET /endpoint/<endpoint_id>/role/<role_id>`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Get endpoint role by id \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id) f"TransferClient.get_endpoint_role({endpoint_id}, {role_id}, ...)" ) path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint", endpoint_id, "role", role_id) return self.get(path, params=params)
[docs] def delete_endpoint_role(self, endpoint_id, role_id): """ ``DELETE /endpoint/<endpoint_id>/role/<role_id>`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Delete endpoint role by id \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id) f"TransferClient.delete_endpoint_role({endpoint_id}, {role_id})" ) path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint", endpoint_id, "role", role_id) return self.delete(path)
# # ACLs #
[docs] def endpoint_acl_list(self, endpoint_id, **params): """ ``GET /endpoint/<endpoint_id>/access_list`` :rtype: :class:`IterableTransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.IterableTransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Get list of access rules \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id)"TransferClient.endpoint_acl_list({endpoint_id}, ...)") path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint", endpoint_id, "access_list") return self.get(path, params=params, response_class=IterableTransferResponse)
[docs] def get_endpoint_acl_rule(self, endpoint_id, rule_id, **params): """ ``GET /endpoint/<endpoint_id>/access/<rule_id>`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Get access rule by id \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id) "TransferClient.get_endpoint_acl_rule({}, {}, ...)".format( endpoint_id, rule_id ) ) path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint", endpoint_id, "access", rule_id) return self.get(path, params=params)
[docs] def add_endpoint_acl_rule(self, endpoint_id, rule_data): """ ``POST /endpoint/<endpoint_id>/access`` :param endpoint_id: ID of endpoint to which to add the acl :type endpoint_id: str :param rule_data: A python dict representation of an ``access`` document :type rule_data: dict :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **Examples** >>> tc = globus_sdk.TransferClient(...) >>> rule_data = { >>> "DATA_TYPE": "access", >>> "principal_type": "identity", >>> "principal": identity_id, >>> "path": "/dataset1/", >>> "permissions": "rw", >>> } >>> result = tc.add_endpoint_acl_rule(endpoint_id, rule_data) >>> rule_id = result["access_id"] Note that if this rule is being created on a shared endpoint the "path" field is relative to the "host_path" of the shared endpoint. **External Documentation** See `Create access rule \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id)"TransferClient.add_endpoint_acl_rule({endpoint_id}, ...)") path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint", endpoint_id, "access") return, rule_data)
[docs] def update_endpoint_acl_rule(self, endpoint_id, rule_id, rule_data): """ ``PUT /endpoint/<endpoint_id>/access/<rule_id>`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Update access rule \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id) "TransferClient.update_endpoint_acl_rule({}, {}, ...)".format( endpoint_id, rule_id ) ) path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint", endpoint_id, "access", rule_id) return self.put(path, rule_data)
[docs] def delete_endpoint_acl_rule(self, endpoint_id, rule_id): """ ``DELETE /endpoint/<endpoint_id>/access/<rule_id>`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Delete access rule \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id) "TransferClient.delete_endpoint_acl_rule({}, {})".format( endpoint_id, rule_id ) ) path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint", endpoint_id, "access", rule_id) return self.delete(path)
# # Bookmarks #
[docs] def bookmark_list(self, **params): """ ``GET /bookmark_list`` :rtype: :class:`IterableTransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.IterableTransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Get list of bookmarks \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """"TransferClient.bookmark_list({params})") return self.get( "bookmark_list", params=params, response_class=IterableTransferResponse )
[docs] def create_bookmark(self, bookmark_data): """ ``POST /bookmark`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Create bookmark \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """"TransferClient.create_bookmark({bookmark_data})") return"bookmark", bookmark_data)
[docs] def get_bookmark(self, bookmark_id, **params): """ ``GET /bookmark/<bookmark_id>`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Get bookmark by id \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ bookmark_id = safe_stringify(bookmark_id)"TransferClient.get_bookmark({bookmark_id})") path = self.qjoin_path("bookmark", bookmark_id) return self.get(path, params=params)
[docs] def update_bookmark(self, bookmark_id, bookmark_data): """ ``PUT /bookmark/<bookmark_id>`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Update bookmark \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """"TransferClient.update_bookmark({bookmark_id})") path = self.qjoin_path("bookmark", bookmark_id) return self.put(path, bookmark_data)
[docs] def delete_bookmark(self, bookmark_id): """ ``DELETE /bookmark/<bookmark_id>`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Delete bookmark by id\ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """"TransferClient.delete_bookmark({bookmark_id})") path = self.qjoin_path("bookmark", bookmark_id) return self.delete(path)
# # Synchronous Filesys Operations #
[docs] def operation_ls(self, endpoint_id, **params): """ ``GET /operation/endpoint/<endpoint_id>/ls`` :rtype: :class:`IterableTransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.IterableTransferResponse>` **Examples** >>> tc = globus_sdk.TransferClient(...) >>> for entry in tc.operation_ls(ep_id, path="/~/project1/"): >>> print(entry["name"], entry["type"]) **External Documentation** See `List Directory Contents \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id)"TransferClient.operation_ls({endpoint_id}, {params})") path = self.qjoin_path("operation/endpoint", endpoint_id, "ls") return self.get(path, params=params, response_class=IterableTransferResponse)
[docs] def operation_mkdir(self, endpoint_id, path, **params): """ ``POST /operation/endpoint/<endpoint_id>/mkdir`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **Examples** >>> tc = globus_sdk.TransferClient(...) >>> tc.operation_mkdir(ep_id, path="/~/newdir/") **External Documentation** See `Make Directory \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id) path = safe_stringify(path) "TransferClient.operation_mkdir({}, {}, {})".format( endpoint_id, path, params ) ) resource_path = self.qjoin_path("operation/endpoint", endpoint_id, "mkdir") json_body = {"DATA_TYPE": "mkdir", "path": path} return, json_body=json_body, params=params)
[docs] def operation_rename(self, endpoint_id, oldpath, newpath, **params): """ ``POST /operation/endpoint/<endpoint_id>/rename`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **Examples** >>> tc = globus_sdk.TransferClient(...) >>> tc.operation_rename(ep_id, oldpath="/~/file1.txt", >>> newpath="/~/project1data.txt") **External Documentation** See `Rename \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id) oldpath = safe_stringify(oldpath) newpath = safe_stringify(newpath) "TransferClient.operation_rename({}, {}, {}, {})".format( endpoint_id, oldpath, newpath, params ) ) resource_path = self.qjoin_path("operation/endpoint", endpoint_id, "rename") json_body = {"DATA_TYPE": "rename", "old_path": oldpath, "new_path": newpath} return, json_body=json_body, params=params)
# # Task Submission #
[docs] def get_submission_id(self, **params): """ ``GET /submission_id`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` Submission IDs are required to submit tasks to the Transfer service via the :meth:`submit_transfer <.submit_transfer>` and :meth:`submit_delete <.submit_delete>` methods. Most users will not need to call this method directly, as the convenience classes :class:`TransferData <globus_sdk.TransferData>` and :class:`DeleteData <globus_sdk.DeleteData>` will call it automatically if they are not passed a ``submission_id`` explicitly. **External Documentation** See `Get a submission id \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for more details. """"TransferClient.get_submission_id({params})") return self.get("submission_id", params=params)
[docs] def submit_transfer(self, data): """ ``POST /transfer`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **Examples** >>> tc = globus_sdk.TransferClient(...) >>> tdata = globus_sdk.TransferData(tc, source_endpoint_id, >>> destination_endpoint_id, >>> label="SDK example", >>> sync_level="checksum") >>> tdata.add_item("/source/path/dir/", "/dest/path/dir/", >>> recursive=True) >>> tdata.add_item("/source/path/file.txt", >>> "/dest/path/file.txt") >>> transfer_result = tc.submit_transfer(tdata) >>> print("task_id =", transfer_result["task_id"]) The `data` parameter can be a normal Python dictionary, or a :class:`TransferData <globus_sdk.TransferData>` object. **External Documentation** See `Submit a transfer task \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for more details. """"TransferClient.submit_transfer(...)") return"/transfer", data)
[docs] def submit_delete(self, data): """ ``POST /delete`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **Examples** >>> tc = globus_sdk.TransferClient(...) >>> ddata = globus_sdk.DeleteData(tc, endpoint_id, recursive=True) >>> ddata.add_item("/dir/to/delete/") >>> ddata.add_item("/file/to/delete/file.txt") >>> delete_result = tc.submit_delete(ddata) >>> print("task_id =", delete_result["task_id"]) The `data` parameter can be a normal Python dictionary, or a :class:`DeleteData <globus_sdk.DeleteData>` object. **External Documentation** See `Submit a delete task \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """"TransferClient.submit_delete(...)") return"/delete", data)
# # Task inspection and management #
[docs] def task_list(self, num_results=10, **params): """ Get an iterable of task documents owned by the current user. ``GET /task_list`` :param num_results: The number of tasks to fetch from the service. May be set to ``None`` to request the maximum allowable number of results. [Default: ``10``] :type num_results: int or none :param params: Any additional parameters will be passed through as query params. :type params: dict, optional :rtype: :class:`PaginatedResource <globus_sdk.transfer.paging.PaginatedResource>`, an iterable of :class:`GlobusResponse <globus_sdk.response.GlobusResponse>` **Examples** Fetch the default number (10) of tasks and print some basic info: >>> tc = TransferClient(...) >>> for task in tc.task_list(): >>> print("Task({}): {} -> {}".format( >>> task["task_id"], task["source_endpoint"], >>> task["destination_endpoint"])) **External Documentation** See `Task list \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """"TransferClient.task_list(...)") return PaginatedResource( self.get, "task_list", {"params": params}, num_results=num_results, max_results_per_call=1000, paging_style=PaginatedResource.PAGING_STYLE_TOTAL, )
[docs] def task_event_list(self, task_id, num_results=10, **params): r""" List events (for example, faults and errors) for a given Task. ``GET /task/<task_id>/event_list`` :param task_id: The ID of the task to inspect. :type task_id: str :param num_results: The number of events to fetch from the service. May be set to ``None`` to request the maximum allowable number of results. [Default: ``10``] :type num_results: int or None :param params: Any additional parameters will be passed through as query params. :type params: dict, optional :rtype: :class:`PaginatedResource <globus_sdk.transfer.paging.PaginatedResource>`, an iterable of :class:`GlobusResponse <globus_sdk.response.GlobusResponse>` **Examples** Fetch the default number (10) of events and print some basic info: >>> tc = TransferClient(...) >>> task_id = ... >>> for event in tc.task_event_list(task_id): >>> print("Event on Task({}) at {}:\n{}".format( >>> task_id, event["time"], event["description"]) **External Documentation** See `Get event list \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """"TransferClient.task_event_list({task_id}, ...)") path = self.qjoin_path("task", task_id, "event_list") return PaginatedResource( self.get, path, {"params": params}, num_results=num_results, max_results_per_call=1000, paging_style=PaginatedResource.PAGING_STYLE_TOTAL, )
[docs] def get_task(self, task_id, **params): """ ``GET /task/<task_id>`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Get task by id \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """"TransferClient.get_task({task_id}, ...)") resource_path = self.qjoin_path("task", task_id) return self.get(resource_path, params=params)
[docs] def update_task(self, task_id, data, **params): """ ``PUT /task/<task_id>`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Update task by id \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """"TransferClient.update_task({task_id}, ...)") resource_path = self.qjoin_path("task", task_id) return self.put(resource_path, data, params=params)
[docs] def cancel_task(self, task_id): """ ``POST /task/<task_id>/cancel`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Cancel task by id \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """"TransferClient.cancel_task({task_id})") resource_path = self.qjoin_path("task", task_id, "cancel") return
[docs] def task_wait(self, task_id, timeout=10, polling_interval=10): r""" Wait until a Task is complete or fails, with a time limit. If the task is "ACTIVE" after time runs out, returns ``False``. Otherwise returns ``True``. :param task_id: ID of the Task to wait on for completion :type task_id: str :param timeout: Number of seconds to wait in total. Minimum 1. [Default: ``10``] :type timeout: int, optional :param polling_interval: Number of seconds between queries to Globus about the Task status. Minimum 1. [Default: ``10``] :type polling_interval: int, optional **Examples** If you want to wait for a task to terminate, but want to warn every minute that it doesn't terminate, you could: >>> tc = TransferClient(...) >>> while not tc.task_wait(task_id, timeout=60): >>> print("Another minute went by without {0} terminating" >>> .format(task_id)) Or perhaps you want to check on a task every minute for 10 minutes, and give up if it doesn't complete in that time: >>> tc = TransferClient(...) >>> done = tc.task_wait(task_id, timeout=600, polling_interval=60): >>> if not done: >>> print("{0} didn't successfully terminate!" >>> .format(task_id)) >>> else: >>> print("{0} completed".format(task_id)) You could print dots while you wait for a task by only waiting one second at a time: >>> tc = TransferClient(...) >>> while not tc.task_wait(task_id, timeout=1, polling_interval=1): >>> print(".", end="") >>> print("\n{0} completed!".format(task_id)) """ "TransferClient.task_wait({}, {}, {})".format( task_id, timeout, polling_interval ) ) # check valid args if timeout < 1: self.logger.error( f"task_wait() timeout={timeout} is less than minimum of 1s" ) raise exc.GlobusSDKUsageError( "TransferClient.task_wait timeout has a minimum of 1" ) if polling_interval < 1: self.logger.error( "task_wait() polling_interval={} is less than minimum of 1s".format( polling_interval ) ) raise exc.GlobusSDKUsageError( "TransferClient.task_wait polling_interval has a minimum of 1" ) # ensure that we always wait at least one interval, even if the timeout # is shorter than the polling interval, by reducing the interval to the # timeout if it is larger polling_interval = min(timeout, polling_interval) # helper for readability def timed_out(waited_time): return waited_time > timeout waited_time = 0 # doing this as a while-True loop actually makes it simpler than doing # while not timed_out(waited_time) because of the end condition while True: # get task, check if status != ACTIVE task = self.get_task(task_id) status = task["status"] if status != "ACTIVE": self.logger.debug( "task_wait(task_id={}) terminated with status={}".format( task_id, status ) ) return True # make sure to check if we timed out before sleeping again, so we # don't sleep an extra polling_interval waited_time += polling_interval if timed_out(waited_time): self.logger.debug(f"task_wait(task_id={task_id}) timed out") return False self.logger.debug( f"task_wait(task_id={task_id}) waiting {polling_interval}s" ) time.sleep(polling_interval)
# unreachable -- end of task_wait
[docs] def task_pause_info(self, task_id, **params): """ ``GET /task/<task_id>/pause_info`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Get task pause info \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """"TransferClient.task_pause_info({task_id}, ...)") resource_path = self.qjoin_path("task", task_id, "pause_info") return self.get(resource_path, params=params)
[docs] def task_successful_transfers(self, task_id, num_results=100, **params): """ Get the successful file transfers for a completed Task. .. note:: Only files that were actually transferred are included. This does not include directories, files that were checked but skipped as part of a sync transfer, or files which were skipped due to skip_source_errors being set on the task. ``GET /task/<task_id>/successful_transfers`` :param task_id: The ID of the task to inspect. :type task_id: str :param num_results: The number of file transfer records to fetch from the service. May be set to ``None`` to request the maximum allowable number of results. [Default: ``100``] :type num_results: int or None, optional :param params: Any additional parameters will be passed through as query params. :type params: dict, optional :rtype: :class:`PaginatedResource <globus_sdk.transfer.paging.PaginatedResource>`, an iterable of :class:`GlobusResponse <globus_sdk.response.GlobusResponse>` **Examples** Fetch all transferred files for a task and print some basic info: >>> tc = TransferClient(...) >>> task_id = ... >>> for info in tc.task_successful_transfers(task_id): >>> print("{} -> {}".format( >>> info["source_path"], info["destination_path"])) **External Documentation** See `Get Task Successful Transfers\ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """"TransferClient.task_successful_transfers({task_id}, ...)") resource_path = self.qjoin_path("task", task_id, "successful_transfers") return PaginatedResource( self.get, resource_path, {"params": params}, num_results=num_results, max_results_per_call=1000, paging_style=PaginatedResource.PAGING_STYLE_MARKER, )
[docs] def task_skipped_errors(self, task_id, num_results=100, **params): """ Get path and error information for all paths that were skipped due to skip_source_errors being set on a completed transfer Task. ``GET /task/<task_id>/skipped_errors`` :param task_id: The ID of the task to inspect. :type task_id: str :param num_results: The number of file transfer records to fetch from the service. May be set to ``None`` to request the maximum allowable number of results. [Default: ``100``] :type num_results: int or None, optional :param params: Any additional parameters will be passed through as query params. :type params: dict, optional :rtype: :class:`PaginatedResource <globus_sdk.transfer.paging.PaginatedResource>`, an iterable of :class:`GlobusResponse <globus_sdk.response.GlobusResponse>` **Examples** Fetch all skipped errors for a task and print some basic info: >>> tc = TransferClient(...) >>> task_id = ... >>> for info in tc.task_skipped_errors(task_id): >>> print("{} -> {}".format( >>> info["error_code"], info["source_path"])) **External Documentation** See `Get Task Skipped Errors\ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ "TransferClient." "endpoint_manager_task_skipped_errors({}, ...)".format(task_id) ) resource_path = self.qjoin_path("task", task_id, "skipped_errors") return PaginatedResource( self.get, resource_path, {"params": params}, num_results=num_results, max_results_per_call=1000, paging_style=PaginatedResource.PAGING_STYLE_MARKER, )
# # advanced endpoint management (requires endpoint manager role) #
[docs] def endpoint_manager_monitored_endpoints(self, **params): """ Get endpoints the current user is a monitor or manager on. ``GET endpoint_manager/monitored_endpoints`` :rtype: iterable of :class:`GlobusResponse <globus_sdk.response.GlobusResponse>` See `Get monitored endpoints \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ f"TransferClient.endpoint_manager_monitored_endpoints({params})" ) path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint_manager", "monitored_endpoints") return self.get(path, params=params, response_class=IterableTransferResponse)
[docs] def endpoint_manager_hosted_endpoint_list(self, endpoint_id, **params): """ Get shared endpoints hosted on the given endpoint. ``GET /endpoint_manager/endpoint/<endpoint_id>/hosted_endpoint_list`` :rtype: iterable of :class:`GlobusResponse <globus_sdk.response.GlobusResponse>` See `Get hosted endpoint list \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id) f"TransferClient.endpoint_manager_hosted_endpoint_list({endpoint_id})" ) path = self.qjoin_path( "endpoint_manager", "endpoint", endpoint_id, "hosted_endpoint_list" ) return self.get(path, params=params, response_class=IterableTransferResponse)
[docs] def endpoint_manager_get_endpoint(self, endpoint_id, **params): """ Get endpoint details as an admin. ``GET /endpoint_manager/endpoint/<endpoint_id>`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Get endpoint as admin \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id)"TransferClient.endpoint_manager_get_endpoint({endpoint_id})") path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint_manager", "endpoint", endpoint_id) return self.get(path, params=params)
[docs] def endpoint_manager_acl_list(self, endpoint_id, **params): """ Get a list of access control rules on specified endpoint as an admin. ``GET endpoint_manager/endpoint/<endpoint_id>/access_list`` :rtype: :class:`IterableTransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.IterableTransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Get endpoint access list as admin \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ endpoint_id = safe_stringify(endpoint_id) f"TransferClient.endpoint_manager_endpoint_acl_list({endpoint_id}, ...)" ) path = self.qjoin_path( "endpoint_manager", "endpoint", endpoint_id, "access_list" ) return self.get(path, params=params, response_class=IterableTransferResponse)
# # endpoint manager task methods #
[docs] def endpoint_manager_task_list(self, num_results=10, **params): r""" Get a list of tasks visible via ``activity_monitor`` role, as opposed to tasks owned by the current user. ``GET endpoint_manager/task_list`` :param num_results: The number of tasks to fetch from the service. May be set to ``None`` to request the maximum allowable number of results. [Default: ``10``] :type num_results: int or None, optional :param params: Any additional parameters will be passed through as query params. :type params: dict, optional :rtype: :class:`PaginatedResource <globus_sdk.transfer.paging.PaginatedResource>`, an iterable of :class:`GlobusResponse <globus_sdk.response.GlobusResponse>` **Examples** Fetch the default number (10) of tasks and print some basic info: >>> tc = TransferClient(...) >>> for task in tc.endpoint_manager_task_list(): >>> print("Task({}): {} -> {}\n was submitted by\n {}".format( >>> task["task_id"], task["source_endpoint"], >>> task["destination_endpoint"], task["owner_string"])) Do that same operation on *all* tasks visible via ``activity_monitor`` status: >>> tc = TransferClient(...) >>> for task in tc.endpoint_manager_task_list(num_results=None): >>> print("Task({}): {} -> {}\n was submitted by\n {}".format( >>> task["task_id"], task["source_endpoint"], >>> task["destination_endpoint"], task["owner_string"])) **External Documentation** See `Advanced Endpoint Management: Get tasks \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """"TransferClient.endpoint_manager_task_list(...)") path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint_manager", "task_list") return PaginatedResource( self.get, path, {"params": params}, num_results=num_results, max_results_per_call=1000, paging_style=PaginatedResource.PAGING_STYLE_LAST_KEY, )
[docs] def endpoint_manager_get_task(self, task_id, **params): """ Get task info as an admin. Requires activity monitor effective role on the destination endpoint of the task. ``GET /endpoint_manager/task/<task_id>`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Get task as admin \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ task_id = safe_stringify(task_id)"TransferClient.endpoint_manager_get_task({task_id}, ...)") path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint_manager", "task", task_id) return self.get(path, params=params)
[docs] def endpoint_manager_task_event_list(self, task_id, num_results=10, **params): """ List events (for example, faults and errors) for a given task as an admin. Requires activity monitor effective role on the destination endpoint of the task. ``GET /task/<task_id>/event_list`` :param task_id: The ID of the task to inspect. :type task_id: str :param num_results: The number of events to fetch from the service. May be set to ``None`` to request the maximum allowable number of results. [Default: ``10``] :type num_results: int or None, optional :param params: Any additional parameters will be passed through as query params. :type params: dict, optional :rtype: :class:`PaginatedResource <globus_sdk.transfer.paging.PaginatedResource>`, an iterable of :class:`GlobusResponse <globus_sdk.response.GlobusResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Get task events as admin \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ task_id = safe_stringify(task_id) f"TransferClient.endpoint_manager_task_event_list({task_id}, ...)" ) path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint_manager", "task", task_id, "event_list") return PaginatedResource( self.get, path, {"params": params}, num_results=num_results, max_results_per_call=1000, paging_style=PaginatedResource.PAGING_STYLE_TOTAL, )
[docs] def endpoint_manager_task_pause_info(self, task_id, **params): """ Get details about why a task is paused as an admin. Requires activity monitor effective role on the destination endpoint of the task. ``GET /endpoint_manager/task/<task_id>/pause_info`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Get task pause info as admin \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ task_id = safe_stringify(task_id) f"TransferClient.endpoint_manager_task_pause_info({task_id}, ...)" ) path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint_manager", "task", task_id, "pause_info") return self.get(path, params=params)
[docs] def endpoint_manager_task_successful_transfers( self, task_id, num_results=100, **params ): """ Get the successful file transfers for a completed Task as an admin. ``GET /endpoint_manager/task/<task_id>/successful_transfers`` :param task_id: The ID of the task to inspect. :type task_id: str :param num_results: The number of file transfer records to fetch from the service. May be set to ``None`` to request the maximum allowable number of results. [Default: ``100``] :type num_results: int or None, optional :param params: Any additional parameters will be passed through as query params. :type params: dict, optional :rtype: :class:`PaginatedResource <globus_sdk.transfer.paging.PaginatedResource>`, an iterable of :class:`GlobusResponse <globus_sdk.response.GlobusResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Get task successful transfers as admin\ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ task_id = safe_stringify(task_id) f"TransferClient.endpoint_manager_task_successful_transfers({task_id}, ...)" ) resource_path = self.qjoin_path( "endpoint_manager", "task", task_id, "successful_transfers" ) return PaginatedResource( self.get, resource_path, {"params": params}, num_results=num_results, max_results_per_call=1000, paging_style=PaginatedResource.PAGING_STYLE_MARKER, )
[docs] def endpoint_manager_task_skipped_errors(self, task_id, num_results=100, **params): """ Get skipped errors for a completed Task as an admin. ``GET /endpoint_manager/task/<task_id>/skipped_errors`` :param task_id: The ID of the task to inspect. :type task_id: str :param num_results: The number of skipped error records to fetch from the service. May be set to ``None`` to request the maximum allowable number of results. [Default: ``100``] :type num_results: int or None, optional :param params: Any additional parameters will be passed through as query params. :type params: dict, optional :rtype: :class:`PaginatedResource <globus_sdk.transfer.paging.PaginatedResource>`, an iterable of :class:`GlobusResponse <globus_sdk.response.GlobusResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Get task skipped errors as admin\ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ task_id = safe_stringify(task_id) f"TransferClient.endpoint_manager_task_skipped_errors({task_id}, ...)" ) resource_path = self.qjoin_path( "endpoint_manager", "task", task_id, "skipped_errors" ) return PaginatedResource( self.get, resource_path, {"params": params}, num_results=num_results, max_results_per_call=1000, paging_style=PaginatedResource.PAGING_STYLE_MARKER, )
[docs] def endpoint_manager_cancel_tasks(self, task_ids, message, **params): """ Cancel a list of tasks as an admin. Requires activity manager effective role on the task(s) source or destination endpoint(s). ``POST /endpoint_manager/admin_cancel`` :param task_ids: List of task ids to cancel. :type task_ids: iterable of str :param message: Message given to all users who's tasks have been canceled. :type message: str :param params: Any additional parameters will be passed through as query params. :type params: dict, optional :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Cancel tasks as admin \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ task_ids = [safe_stringify(i) for i in task_ids] message = safe_stringify(message) f"TransferClient.endpoint_manager_cancel_tasks({task_ids}, {message})" ) json_body = {"message": safe_stringify(message), "task_id_list": task_ids} path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint_manager", "admin_cancel") return, json_body=json_body, params=params)
[docs] def endpoint_manager_cancel_status(self, admin_cancel_id, **params): """ Get the status of an an admin cancel (result of endpoint_manager_cancel_tasks). ``GET /endpoint_manager/admin_cancel/<admin_cancel_id>`` :param admin_cancel_id: The ID of the the cancel job to inspect. :type admin_cancel_id: str :param params: Any additional parameters will be passed through as query params. :type params: dict, optional :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Get cancel status by id \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ f"TransferClient.endpoint_manager_cancel_status({admin_cancel_id})" ) path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint_manager", "admin_cancel", admin_cancel_id) return self.get(path, params=params)
[docs] def endpoint_manager_pause_tasks(self, task_ids, message, **params): """ Pause a list of tasks as an admin. Requires activity manager effective role on the task(s) source or destination endpoint(s). ``POST /endpoint_manager/admin_pause`` :param task_ids: List of task ids to pause. :type task_ids: iterable of str :param message: Message given to all users who's tasks have been paused. :type message: str :param params: Any additional parameters will be passed through as query params. :type params: dict, optional :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Pause tasks as admin \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ task_ids = [safe_stringify(i) for i in task_ids] message = safe_stringify(message) f"TransferClient.endpoint_manager_pause_tasks({task_ids}, {message})" ) json_body = {"message": safe_stringify(message), "task_id_list": task_ids} path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint_manager", "admin_pause") return, json_body=json_body, params=params)
[docs] def endpoint_manager_resume_tasks(self, task_ids, **params): """ Resume a list of tasks as an admin. Requires activity manager effective role on the task(s) source or destination endpoint(s). ``POST /endpoint_manager/admin_resume`` :param task_ids: List of task ids to resume. :type task_ids: iterable of str :param params: Any additional parameters will be passed through as query params. :type params: dict, optional :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Resume tasks as admin \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ task_ids = [safe_stringify(i) for i in task_ids]"TransferClient.endpoint_manager_resume_tasks({task_ids})") json_body = {"task_id_list": task_ids} path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint_manager", "admin_resume") return, json_body=json_body, params=params)
# # endpoint manager pause rule methods #
[docs] def endpoint_manager_pause_rule_list(self, filter_endpoint=None, **params): """ Get a list of pause rules on endpoints that the current user has the activity monitor effective role on. ``GET /endpoint_manager/pause_rule_list`` :param filter_endpoint: An endpoint ID. Limit results to rules on endpoints hosted by this endpoint. Must be activity monitor on this endpoint, not just the hosted endpoints. :type filter_endpoint: str :param params: Any additional parameters will be passed through as query params. :type params: dict, optional :rtype: :class:`IterableTransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.IterableTransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Get pause rules \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """"TransferClient.endpoint_manager_pause_rule_list(...)") path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint_manager", "pause_rule_list") merge_params(params, filter_endpoint=filter_endpoint) return self.get(path, params=params, response_class=IterableTransferResponse)
[docs] def endpoint_manager_create_pause_rule(self, data): """ Create a new pause rule. Requires the activity manager effective role on the endpoint defined in the rule. ``POST /endpoint_manager/pause_rule`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **Examples** >>> tc = globus_sdk.TransferClient(...) >>> rule_data = { >>> "DATA_TYPE": "pause_rule", >>> "message": "Message to users explaining why tasks are paused", >>> "endpoint_id": "339abc22-aab3-4b45-bb56-8d40535bfd80", >>> "identity_id": None, # affect all users on endpoint >>> "start_time": None # start now >>> } >>> create_result = tc.endpoint_manager_create_pause_rule(ep_data) >>> rule_id = create_result["id"] **External Documentation** See `Create pause rule \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """"TransferClient.endpoint_manager_create_pause_rule(...)") path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint_manager", "pause_rule") return, data)
[docs] def endpoint_manager_get_pause_rule(self, pause_rule_id, **params): """ Get an existing pause rule by ID. Requires the activity manager effective role on the endpoint defined in the rule. ``GET /endpoint_manager/pause_rule/<pause_rule_id>`` :param pause_rule_id: ID of pause rule to get. :type pause_rule_id: str :param params: Any additional parameters will be passed through as query params. :type params: dict, optional :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Get pause rule \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ pause_rule_id = safe_stringify(pause_rule_id) f"TransferClient.endpoint_manager_get_pause_rule({pause_rule_id})" ) path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint_manager", "pause_rule", pause_rule_id) return self.get(path, params=params)
[docs] def endpoint_manager_update_pause_rule(self, pause_rule_id, data): """ Update an existing pause rule by ID. Requires the activity manager effective role on the endpoint defined in the rule. Note that non update-able fields in data will be ignored. ``PUT /endpoint_manager/pause_rule/<pause_rule_id>`` :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **Examples** >>> tc = globus_sdk.TransferClient(...) >>> rule_data = { >>> "message": "Update to pause, reads are now allowed.", >>> "pause_ls": False, >>> "pause_task_transfer_read": False >>> } >>> update_result = tc.endpoint_manager_update_pause_rule(ep_data) **External Documentation** See `Update pause rule \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ pause_rule_id = safe_stringify(pause_rule_id) f"TransferClient.endpoint_manager_update_pause_rule({pause_rule_id})" ) path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint_manager", "pause_rule", pause_rule_id) return self.put(path, data)
[docs] def endpoint_manager_delete_pause_rule(self, pause_rule_id, **params): """ Delete an existing pause rule by ID. Requires the user to see the "editible" field of the rule as True. Any tasks affected by this rule will no longer be once it is deleted. ``DELETE /endpoint_manager/pause_rule/<pause_rule_id>`` :param pause_rule_id: The ID of the pause rule to delete. :type pause_rule_id: str :param params: Any additional parameters will be passed through as query params. :type params: dict, optional :rtype: :class:`TransferResponse <globus_sdk.transfer.response.TransferResponse>` **External Documentation** See `Delete pause rule \ <>`_ in the REST documentation for details. """ pause_rule_id = safe_stringify(pause_rule_id) f"TransferClient.endpoint_manager_delete_pause_rule({pause_rule_id})" ) path = self.qjoin_path("endpoint_manager", "pause_rule", pause_rule_id) return self.delete(path, params=params)