Source code for globus_sdk.local_endpoint.personal

import os

from globus_sdk.exc import GlobusSDKUsageError

def _on_windows():
    Per python docs, this is a safe, reliable way of checking the platform.
    sys.platform offers more detail -- more than we want, in this case.
    return == "nt"

[docs]class LocalGlobusConnectPersonal: r""" A LocalGlobusConnectPersonal object represents the available SDK methods for inspecting and controlling a running Globus Connect Personal installation. These objects do *not* inherit from BaseClient and do not provide methods for interacting with any Globus Service APIs. """ def __init__(self): self._endpoint_id = None @property def endpoint_id(self): """ :type: string The endpoint ID of the local Globus Connect Personal endpoint installation. This value is loaded whenever it is first accessed, but saved after that. Usage: >>> from globus_sdk import TransferClient, LocalGlobusConnectPersonal >>> local_ep = LocalGlobusConnectPersonal() >>> ep_id = local_ep.endpoint_id >>> tc = TransferClient(...) # needs auth details >>> for f in tc.operation_ls(ep_id): >>> print("Local file: ", f["name"]) You can also reset the value, causing it to load again on next access, with ``del local_ep.endpoint_id`` """ if self._endpoint_id is None: try: if _on_windows(): appdata = os.getenv("LOCALAPPDATA") if appdata is None: raise GlobusSDKUsageError( "LOCALAPPDATA not detected in Windows environment" ) fname = os.path.join(appdata, "Globus Connect\\client-id.txt") else: fname = os.path.expanduser("~/.globusonline/lta/client-id.txt") with open(fname) as fp: self._endpoint_id = except OSError as e: # no such file or directory if e.errno == 2: pass else: raise return self._endpoint_id @endpoint_id.deleter def endpoint_id(self): """ Deleter for LocalGlobusConnectPersonal.endpoint_id """ self._endpoint_id = None