Source code for globus_sdk.auth.client_types.native_client

import logging

from globus_sdk.auth.client_types.base import AuthClient
from globus_sdk.auth.oauth2_native_app import GlobusNativeAppFlowManager
from globus_sdk.authorizers import NullAuthorizer
from globus_sdk.exc import GlobusSDKUsageError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class NativeAppAuthClient(AuthClient): """ This type of ``AuthClient`` is used to represent a Native App's communications with Globus Auth. It requires a Client ID, and cannot take an ``authorizer``. Native Apps are applications, like the Globus CLI, which are run client-side and therefore cannot keep secrets. Unable to possess client credentials, several Globus Auth interactions have to be specialized to accommodate the absence of a secret. Any keyword arguments given are passed through to the ``AuthClient`` constructor. .. automethodlist:: globus_sdk.NativeAppAuthClient """ # don't allow any authorizer to be used on a native app client # it can't authorize it's calls, and shouldn't try to allowed_authorizer_types = [NullAuthorizer] def __init__(self, client_id, **kwargs): if "authorizer" in kwargs: logger.error("ArgumentError(NativeAppClient.authorizer)") raise GlobusSDKUsageError("Cannot give a NativeAppAuthClient an authorizer") AuthClient.__init__( self, client_id=client_id, authorizer=NullAuthorizer(), **kwargs )"Finished initializing client, client_id={}".format(client_id))
[docs] def oauth2_start_flow( self, requested_scopes=None, redirect_uri=None, state="_default", verifier=None, refresh_tokens=False, prefill_named_grant=None, ): """ Starts a Native App OAuth2 flow. This is done internally by instantiating a :class:`GlobusNativeAppFlowManager <globus_sdk.auth.GlobusNativeAppFlowManager>` While the flow is in progress, the ``NativeAppAuthClient`` becomes non thread-safe as temporary state is stored during the flow. :param requested_scopes: The scopes on the token(s) being requested, as a space-separated string or iterable of strings. Defaults to ``openid profile email`` :type requested_scopes: str or iterable of str, optional :param redirect_uri: The page that users should be directed to after authenticating at the authorize URL. Defaults to '', which displays the resulting ``auth_code`` for users to copy-paste back into your application (and thereby be passed back to the ``GlobusNativeAppFlowManager``) :param state: The ``redirect_uri`` page will have this included in a query parameter, so you can use it to pass information to that page if you use a custom page. It defaults to the string '_default' :type state: str, optional :param verifier: A secret used for the Native App flow. It will by default be a freshly generated random string, known only to this ``GlobusNativeAppFlowManager`` instance :type verifier: str, optional :param refresh_tokens: When True, request refresh tokens in addition to access tokens. [Default: ``False``] :type refresh_tokens: bool, optional :param prefill_named_grant: Prefill the named grant label on the consent page :type prefill_named_grant: str, optional **Examples** You can see an example of this flow :ref:`in the usage examples <examples_native_app_login>` **External Documentation** The Globus Auth specification for Native App grants details the modifications to the Authorization Code grant flow as `The PKCE Security Protocol \ <>`_ """"Starting Native App Grant Flow") self.current_oauth2_flow_manager = GlobusNativeAppFlowManager( self, requested_scopes=requested_scopes, redirect_uri=redirect_uri, state=state, verifier=verifier, refresh_tokens=refresh_tokens, prefill_named_grant=prefill_named_grant, ) return self.current_oauth2_flow_manager
[docs] def oauth2_refresh_token(self, refresh_token): """ ``NativeAppAuthClient`` specializes the refresh token grant to include its client ID as a parameter in the POST body. It needs this specialization because it cannot authenticate the refresh grant call with client credentials, as is normal. """"Executing token refresh without client credentials") form_data = { "refresh_token": refresh_token, "grant_type": "refresh_token", "client_id": self.client_id, } return self.oauth2_token(form_data)